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There are 31 reference(s) for PhosLite™ Green (Cat No. 11630).

The spatial distribution of acid phosphatase activity in ectomycorrhizal tissues depends on soil fertility and morphotype, and relates to host plant phosphorus uptake
Authors: Alvarez M, Huygens D, Diaz LM, Villanueva CA, Heyser W, Boeckx P.
Journal: Plant Cell Environ (2012): 126
A novel fluorescent transcriptional reporter for cell-based microarray assays
Authors: Redmond TM, Uhler MD.
Journal: Methods Mol Biol (2011): 41
Detection of extracellular phosphatase activity at the single-cell level by enzyme-labeled fluorescence and flow cytometry: the importance of time kinetics in ELFA labeling
Authors: Duhamel S, Gregori G, Van Wambeke F, Nedoma J.
Journal: Cytometry A (2009): 163
Modulation of cultured neural networks using neurotrophin release from hydrogel-coated microelectrode arrays
Authors: Jun SB, Hynd MR, Dowell-Mesfin NM, Al-Kofahi Y, Roysam B, Shain W, Kim SJ.
Journal: J Neural Eng (2008): 203
Duodenal brush border intestinal alkaline phosphatase activity affects bicarbonate secretion in rats
Authors: Akiba Y, Mizumori M, Guth PH, Engel E, Kaunitz JD.
Journal: Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol (2007): G1223
Fluid shear stress induces less calcium response in a single primary osteocyte than in a single osteoblast: implication of different focal adhesion formation
Authors: Kamioka H, Sugawara Y, Murshid SA, Ishihara Y, Honjo T, Takano-Yamamoto T.
Journal: J Bone Miner Res (2006): 1012
Detecting the phosphate status of phytoplankton by enzyme-labelled fluorescence and flow cytometry
Authors: Dignum M, Hoogveld HL, Matthijs HC, Laanbroek HJ, Pel R.
Journal: FEMS Microbiol Ecol (2004): 29
Enzymatic activity of alkaline phosphatase inside protein and polymer structures fabricated via multiphoton excitation
Authors: Basu S, Campagnola PJ.
Journal: Biomacromolecules (2004): 572
Extracellular phosphatase activity of natural plankton studied with ELF97 phosphate: fluorescence quantification and labelling kinetics
Authors: Nedoma J, Strojsova A, Vrba J, Komarkova J, Simek K.
Journal: Environ Microbiol (2003): 462
Analysis of violet-excited fluorochromes by flow cytometry using a violet laser diode
Authors: Telford WG, Hawley TS, Hawley RG.
Journal: Cytometry A (2003): 48
Visualization of mosaicism in tissues of normal and mismatch-repair-deficient mice carrying a microsatellite-containing transgene
Authors: Hersh MN, Stambrook PJ, Stringer JR.
Journal: Mutat Res (2002): 51
An improved formulation of SYPRO Ruby protein gel stain: comparison with the original formulation and with a ruthenium II tris (bathophenanthroline disulfonate) formulation
Authors: Berggren KN, Schulenberg B, Lopez MF, Steinberg TH, Bogdanova A, Smejkal G, Wang A, Patton WF.
Journal: Proteomics (2002): 486
The ELF -97 phosphatase substrate provides a sensitive, photostable method for labelling cytological targets
Authors: Paragas VB, Kramer JA, Fox C, Haugl and RP, Singer VL.
Journal: J Microsc (2002): 106
Immobilization of proteins in immunochemical microarrays fabricated by electrospray deposition
Authors: Avseenko NV, Morozova T, Ataullakhanov FI, Morozov VN.
Journal: Anal Chem (2001): 6047
Detection of endogenous and antibody-conjugated alkaline phosphatase with ELF-97 phosphate in multicolor flow cytometry applications
Authors: Telford W, Cox W, Singer V.
Journal: Cytometry (2001): 117
Alkaline phosphatase activity in whitefly salivary glands and saliva
Authors: Funk CJ., undefined
Journal: Arch Insect Biochem Physiol (2001): 165
Simultaneous, two-color fluorescence detection of total protein profiles and beta-glucuronidase activity in polyacrylamide gel
Authors: Kemper C, Steinberg TH, Jones L, Patton WF.
Journal: Electrophoresis (2001): 970
Characterization of extracellular chitinolytic activity in biofilms
Authors: Baty AM, 3rd, Diwu Z, Dunham G, Eastburn CC, Geesey GG, Goodman AE, Suci PA, Techkarnjanaruk S.
Journal: Methods Enzymol (2001): 279
Differentiation of chitinase-active and non-chitinase-active subpopulations of a marine bacterium during chitin degradation
Authors: Baty AM, 3rd, Eastburn CC, Diwu Z, Techkarnjanaruk S, Goodman AE, Geesey GG.
Journal: Appl Environ Microbiol (2000): 3566
Confocal multilaser focusing and single-laser characterization of ultraviolet excitable stains of cellular preparations
Authors: Kahn E, Frouin F, Souchier C, Bernengo JC, Bruzzoni-Giovanelli H, Clement O, Frija G, Di Paola R, Calvo F, Linares-Cruz G.
Journal: Cytometry (2000): 42
Fluorescence detection of proteins in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels using environmentally benign, nonfixative, saline solution
Authors: Steinberg TH, Lauber WM, Berggren K, Kemper C, Yue S, Patton WF.
Journal: Electrophoresis (2000): 497
A high-resolution, fluorescence-based method for localization of endogenous alkaline phosphatase activity
Authors: Cox WG, Singer VL.
Journal: J Histochem Cytochem (1999): 1443
Phosphate stress in cultures and field populations of the dinoflagellate prorocentrum minimum detected by a single-cell alkaline phosphatase assay
Authors: Dyhrman ST, Palenik B.
Journal: Appl Environ Microbiol (1999): 3205
Detection of endogenous alkaline phosphatase activity in intact cells by flow cytometry using the fluorogenic ELF-97 phosphatase substrate
Authors: Telford WG, Cox WG, Stiner D, Singer VL, Doty SB.
Journal: Cytometry (1999): 314
Fluorimetric determination of theophylline in serum by inhibition of bovine alkaline phosphatase in AOT based water/in oil microemulsion
Authors: Jourquin G, Kauffmann JM.
Journal: J Pharm Biomed Anal (1998): 585
The ELF-97 alkaline phosphatase substrate provides a bright, photostable, fluorescent signal amplification method for FISH
Authors: Paragas VB, Zhang YZ, Haugl and RP, Singer VL.
Journal: J Histochem Cytochem (1997): 345
A fluorogenic substrate for beta-glucuronidase: applications in fluorometric, polyacrylamide gel and histochemical assays
Authors: Zhou M, Upson RH, Diwu Z, Haugl and RP., undefined
Journal: J Biochem Biophys Methods (1996): 197
Xenobiotic metabolism in rat, dog, and human precision-cut liver slices, freshly isolated hepatocytes, and vitrified precision-cut liver slices
Authors: Ekins S, Williams JA, Murray GI, Burke MD, Marchant NC, Engeset J, Hawksworth GM.
Journal: Drug Metab Dispos (1996): 990
Quantitative differences in phase I and II metabolism between rat precision-cut liver slices and isolated hepatocytes
Authors: Ekins S, Murray GI, Burke MD, Williams JA, Marchant NC, Hawksworth GM.
Journal: Drug Metab Dispos (1995): 1274
Use of a new fluorogenic phosphatase substrate in immunohistochemical applications
Authors: Larison KD, BreMiller R, Wells KS, Clements I, Haugl and RP., undefined
Journal: J Histochem Cytochem (1995): 77
A novel fluorogenic substrate for detecting alkaline phosphatase activity in situ
Authors: Huang Z, You W, Haugl and RP, Paragas VB, Olson NA.
Journal: J Histochem Cytochem (1993): 313