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There are 8 citation(s) for Dihydrorhodamine 123 *CAS 109244-58-8* (Cat No. 15206).

Variations in reactive oxygen species generation by urban airborne particulate matter in lung epithelial cells—impact of inorganic fraction
Authors: Mazuryk, Olga and Stochel, Grazyna and Brindell, Ma{\l}gorzata
Journal: Frontiers in chemistry (2020): 581752
Direct macromolecular drug delivery to cerebral ischemia area using neutrophil-mediated nanoparticles
Authors: Zhang, Chun and Ling, Cheng-li and Pang, Liang and Wang, Qi and Liu, Jing-xin and Wang, Bing-shan and Liang, Jian-ming and Guo, Yi-zhen and Qin, Jing and Wang, Jian-xin
Journal: Theranostics (2017): 3260
Liver necrosis and lethal systemic inflammation in a murine model of Rickettsia typhi infection: role of neutrophils, macrophages and NK cells
Authors: Papp, Stefanie and Moderzynski, Kristin and Rauch, Jessica and Heine, Liza and Kuehl, Svenja and Richardt, Ulricke and Mueller, Heidelinde and Fleischer, Bernhard and Osterloh, Anke
Journal: PLoS Negl Trop Dis (2016): e0004935
Charakterisierung angeborener Immunmechanismen und immunpathologischer Effekte in der Rickettsia typhi-Infektion (Wolbach und Todd, 1920) in der Maus (Mus musculus, Linnaeus, 1758)
Authors: Papp, Stefanie
Journal: (2015)
Charakterisierung der immunmodulatorischen Funktion von Siglec-E (Sialins{\"a}ure-bindendes-Ig-{\"a}hnliches-Lektin-E) im Modell der experimentellen Chagas-Krankheit
Authors: Heins, Anja
Journal: (2013)
Bicarbonate plays a critical role in the generation of cytotoxicity during SIN-1 decomposition in culture medium
Authors: Shirai, Kyo and Okada, Tatsumi and Konishi, Kanako and Murata, Hiroshi and Akashi, Soichiro and Sugawara, Fumio and Watanabe, Nobuo and Arai, Takao
Journal: Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity (2012)
published: 17December2020 doi: 10.3389/fchem. 2020.581752 Edited by: Loredana Serpe, University of Turin, Italy Reviewed by
Authors: Prasad, Ankush and Di Pietro, Czechia Angela and Mazuryk, Olga
Direct Macromolecular Drug Delivery to Cerebral Ischemia Area using Neutrophil-Mediated Nanoparticles
Authors: Zhang, Chun and Ling, Cheng-li and Pang, Liang and Wang, Qi and Liu, Jing-xin and Wang, Bing-shan and Liang, Jian-ming and Guo, Yi-zhen and Qin, Jing and Wang, Jian-xin

There are 20 reference(s) for Dihydrorhodamine 123 *CAS 109244-58-8* (Cat No. 15206).

Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) and complete myeloperoxidase deficiency both yield strongly reduced dihydrorhodamine 123 test signals but can be easily discerned in routine testing for CGD
Authors: Mauch L, Lun A, O'Gorman MR, Harris JS, Schulze I, Zychlinsky A, Fuchs T, Oelschlagel U, Brenner S, Kutter D, Rosen-Wolff A, Roesler J.
Journal: Clin Chem (2007): 890
Reactivity of 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein and dihydrorhodamine 123 and their oxidized forms toward carbonate, nitrogen dioxide, and hydroxyl radicals
Authors: Wrona M, Patel K, Wardman P.
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (2005): 262
Fluorescence measurements of steady state peroxynitrite production upon SIN-1 decomposition: NADH versus dihydrodichlorofluorescein and dihydrorhodamine 123
Authors: Martin-Romero FJ, Gutierrez-Martin Y, Henao F, Gutierrez-Merino C.
Journal: J Fluoresc (2004): 17
Diagnostic paradigm for evaluation of male patients with chronic granulomatous disease, based on the dihydrorhodamine 123 assay
Authors: Jirapongsananuruk O, Malech HL, Kuhns DB, Niemela JE, Brown MR, Anderson-Cohen M, Fleisher TA.
Journal: J Allergy Clin Immunol (2003): 374
Detection of reactive nitrogen species using 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein and dihydrorhodamine 123
Authors: Ischiropoulos H, Gow A, Thom SR, Kooy NW, Royall JA, Crow JP.
Journal: Methods Enzymol (1999): 367
Dihydrofluorescein diacetate is superior for detecting intracellular oxidants: comparison with 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, 5(and 6)-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, and dihydrorhodamine 123
Authors: Hempel SL, Buettner GR, O'Malley YQ, Wessels DA, Flaherty DM.
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (1999): 146
Dichlorodihydrofluorescein and dihydrorhodamine 123 are sensitive indicators of peroxynitrite in vitro: implications for intracellular measurement of reactive nitrogen and oxygen species
Authors: Crow JP., undefined
Journal: Nitric Oxide (1997): 145
Limitations on the use of dihydrorhodamine 123 for flow cytometric analysis of the neutrophil respiratory burst
Authors: van Pelt LJ, van Zwieten R, Weening RS, Roos D, Verhoeven AJ, Bolscher BG.
Journal: J Immunol Methods (1996): 187
Dihydrorhodamine 123 identifies impaired mitochondrial respiratory chain function in cultured cells harboring mitochondrial DNA mutations
Authors: Sobreira C, Davidson M, King MP, Mir and a AF., undefined
Journal: J Histochem Cytochem (1996): 571
Comparative use of 2,7-dichlorofluorescein diacetate, dihydrorhodamine 123, and hydroethidine for studying oxidative metabolism of phagocytosing cells
Authors: Biziukin AV, Korkina LG, Velichkovskii BT.
Journal: Biull Eksp Biol Med (1995): 361
Quantitative multiwell myeloid differentiation assay using dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (H2DCF-DA) or dihydrorhodamine 123 (H2R123)
Authors: Trayner ID, Rayner AP, Freeman GE, Farzaneh F.
Journal: J Immunol Methods (1995): 275
Peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation of dihydrorhodamine 123 occurs in early stages of endotoxic and hemorrhagic shock and ischemia-reperfusion injury
Authors: Szabo C, Salzman AL, Ischiropoulos H.
Journal: FEBS Lett (1995): 229
Ultraviolet action spectra for peroxide generation in human and pig epidermal keratinocytes loaded with dihydrorhodamine 123
Authors: Takano JI, Koizumi H, Ohkawara A, Kamo N, Ueda T.
Journal: Arch Dermatol Res (1995): 321
Peroxynitrite-mediated oxidation of dihydrorhodamine 123
Authors: Kooy NW, Royall JA, Ischiropoulos H, Beckman JS.
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (1994): 149
Evaluation of 2',7'-dichlorofluorescin and dihydrorhodamine 123 as fluorescent probes for intracellular H2O2 in cultured endothelial cells
Authors: Royall JA, Ischiropoulos H.
Journal: Arch Biochem Biophys (1993): 348
Dihydrorhodamine 123: a fluorescent probe for superoxide generation
Authors: Henderson LM, Chappell JB.
Journal: Eur J Biochem (1993): 973
Use of dihydrorhodamine 123 for detecting intracellular generation of peroxides upon UV irradiation in epidermal keratinocytes
Authors: Sakurada H, Koizumi H, Ohkawara A, Ueda T, Kamo N.
Journal: Arch Dermatol Res (1992): 114
Diagnosis of chronic granulomatous disease and of its mode of inheritance by dihydrorhodamine 123 and flow microcytofluorometry
Authors: Roesler J, Hecht M, Freihorst J, Lohmann-Matthes ML, Emmendorffer A.
Journal: Eur J Pediatr (1991): 161
Flow cytometric measurement of the respiratory burst activity of phagocytes using dihydrorhodamine 123
Authors: Rothe G, Emmendorffer A, Oser A, Roesler J, Valet G.
Journal: J Immunol Methods (1991): 133
A fast and easy method to determine the production of reactive oxygen intermediates by human and murine phagocytes using dihydrorhodamine 123
Authors: Emmendorffer A, Hecht M, Lohmann-Matthes ML, Roesler J.
Journal: J Immunol Methods (1990): 269