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There are 3 citation(s) for Cell Meter™ Fluorimetric Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Activity Assay Kit *NIR Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Reader* (Cat No. 16359).

New insights into posttranslational modifications of proteins during bull sperm capacitation
Authors: Mostek-Majewska, Agnieszka and Majewska, Anna and Janta, Anna and Ciereszko, Andrzej
Journal: Cell Communication and Signaling (2023): 1--23
Fluorescent real-time quantitative measurements of intracellular peroxynitrite generation and inhibition
Authors: Luo, Zhen and Zhao, Qin and Liu, Jixiang and Liao, Jinfang and Peng, Ruogu and Xi, Yunting and Diwu, Zhenjun
Journal: Analytical biochemistry (2017): 44--48
Inducible Nitric Oxide Synthase (iNOS) Is a Novel Negative Regulator of Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cell Trafficking
Authors: Adamiak, Mateusz and Abdelbaset-Ismail, Ahmed and Moore, Joseph B and Zhao, J and Abdel-Latif, Ahmed and Wysoczynski, Marcin and Ratajczak, Mariusz Z
Journal: Stem Cell Reviews and Reports (2016): 1--12

There are 139 reference(s) for Cell Meter™ Fluorimetric Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Activity Assay Kit *NIR Fluorescence Optimized for Microplate Reader* (Cat No. 16359).

Pitfalls and limitations in using 4,5-diaminofluorescein for evaluating the influence of polyphenols on nitric oxide release from endothelial cells
Authors: Uhlenhut K, Hogger P.
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (2012): 2266
Effects of moderate electrical stimulation on reactive species production by primary rat skeletal muscle cells: cross talk between superoxide and nitric oxide production
Authors: Lambertucci RH, Silveira Ldos R, Hirabara SM, Curi R, Sweeney G, Pithon-Curi TC.
Journal: J Cell Physiol (2012): 2511
Improved measurements of intracellular nitric oxide in intact microvessels using 4,5-diaminofluorescein diacetate
Authors: Zhou X, He P.
Journal: Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2011): H108
Aging negatively affects estrogens-mediated effects on nitric oxide bioavailability by shifting ERalpha/ERbeta balance in female mice
Authors: Novensa L, Novella S, Medina P, Segarra G, Castillo N, Heras M, Hermenegildo C, Dantas AP.
Journal: PLoS One (2011): e25335
Temporal and spatial correlation of platelet-activating factor-induced increases in endothelial [Ca(2)(+)]i, nitric oxide, and gap formation in intact venules
Authors: Zhou X, He P.
Journal: Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2011): H1788
Polyamines, polyamine oxidases and nitric oxide in development, abiotic and biotic stresses
Authors: Wimalasekera R, Tebartz F, Scherer GF.
Journal: Plant Sci (2011): 593
Rapid upregulation of cytoprotective nitric oxide in breast tumor cells subjected to a photodynamic therapy-like oxidative challenge
Authors: Bhowmick R, Girotti AW.
Journal: Photochem Photobiol (2011): 378
Sleep deprivation triggers inducible nitric oxide-dependent nitric oxide production in wake-active basal forebrain neurons
Authors: Kalinchuk AV, McCarley RW, Porkka-Heiskanen T, Basheer R.
Journal: J Neurosci (2010): 13254
Production and scavenging of nitric oxide by barley root mitochondria
Authors: Gupta KJ, Kaiser WM.
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol (2010): 576
Production of Nitric Oxide within the Aplysia Californica Nervous System
Authors: Ye X, Xie F, Romanova EV, Rubakhin SS, Sweedler JV.
Journal: ACS Chem Neurosci (2010): 182
Fully automatic flow method for the determination of scavenging capacity against nitric oxide radicals
Authors: Ribeiro JP, Magalhaes LM, Segundo MA, Reis S, Lima JL.
Journal: Anal Bioanal Chem (2010): 3005
Calcium- and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/Akt-dependent activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase by apigenin
Authors: Chen CC, Ke WH, Ceng LH, Hsieh CW, Wung BS.
Journal: Life Sci (2010): 743
Development of an analytical method for nitric oxide radical determination in natural waters
Authors: Olasehinde EF, Takeda K, Sakugawa H.
Journal: Anal Chem (2009): 6843
Fluorescent indication that nitric oxide formation in NTS neurons is modulated by glutamate and GABA
Authors: Pajolla GP, Accorsi-Mendonca D, Rodrigues GJ, Bendhack LM, Machado BH, Lunardi CN.
Journal: Nitric Oxide (2009): 207
Micro gas analyzer measurement of nitric oxide in breath by direct wet scrubbing and fluorescence detection
Authors: Toda K, Koga T, Kosuge J, Kashiwagi M, Oguchi H, Arimoto T.
Journal: Anal Chem (2009): 7031
Nitric oxide increases myocardial efficiency in the hypoxia-tolerant turtle Trachemys scripta
Authors: Misfeldt M, Fago A, Gesser H.
Journal: J Exp Biol (2009): 954
Hypoxia-induced regulation of nitric oxide synthase in cardiac endothelial cells and myocytes and the role of the PI3-K/PKB pathway
Authors: Strijdom H, Friedrich SO, Hattingh S, Chamane N, Lochner A.
Journal: Mol Cell Biochem (2009): 23
Characteristics and function of cardiac mitochondrial nitric oxide synthase
Authors: Dedkova EN, Blatter LA.
Journal: J Physiol (2009): 851
Valsartan regulates the interaction of angiotensin II type 1 receptor and endothelial nitric oxide synthase via Src/PI3K/Akt signalling
Authors: Su KH, Tsai JY, Kou YR, Chiang AN, Hsiao SH, Wu YL, Hou HH, Pan CC, Shyue SK, Lee TS.
Journal: Cardiovasc Res (2009): 468
Use of diaminofluoresceins to detect and measure nitric oxide in low level generating human immune cells
Authors: Tiscornia A, Cairoli E, Marquez M, Denicola A, Pritsch O, Cayota A.
Journal: J Immunol Methods (2009): 49
Direct evidence of nitric oxide release from neuronal nitric oxide synthase activation in the left ventricle as a result of cervical vagus nerve stimulation
Authors: Brack KE, Patel VH, Mantravardi R, Coote JH, Ng GA.
Journal: J Physiol (2009): 3045
The dynamics of the nitric oxide release-transient from stretched muscle cells
Authors: Wozniak AC, Anderson JE.
Journal: Int J Biochem Cell Biol (2009): 625
A novel method of measuring nitric-oxide-dependent fluorescence using 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF-2) in the isolated Langendorff-perfused rabbit heart
Authors: Patel VH, Brack KE, Coote JH, Ng GA.
Journal: Pflugers Arch (2008): 635
Heat stress stimulates nitric oxide production in Symbiodinium microadriaticum: a possible linkage between nitric oxide and the coral bleaching phenomenon
Authors: Bouchard JN, Yamasaki H.
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol (2008): 641
Simultaneous nitric oxide and dehydroascorbic acid imaging by combining diaminofluoresceins and diaminorhodamines
Authors: Ye X, Rubakhin SS, Sweedler JV.
Journal: J Neurosci Methods (2008): 373
Nitric oxide generation in Vicia faba phloem cells reveals them to be sensitive detectors as well as possible systemic transducers of stress signals
Authors: Gaupels F, Furch AC, Will T, Mur LA, Kogel KH, van Bel AJ.
Journal: New Phytol (2008): 634
Effects of hyperoxia and nitric oxide on endogenous nitric oxide production in polymorphonuclear leukocytes
Authors: Hoehn T, Gratopp A, Raehse K, Koehne P.
Journal: Neonatology (2008): 132
Heparan sulfate proteoglycan is essential to thrombin-induced calcium transients and nitric oxide production in aortic endothelial cells
Authors: Kimura C, Oike M.
Journal: Thromb Haemost (2008): 483
Real-time electrochemical detection of extracellular nitric oxide in tobacco cells exposed to cryptogein, an elicitor of defence responses
Authors: Besson-Bard A, Griveau S, Bedioui F, Wendehenne D.
Journal: J Exp Bot (2008): 3407
Insulin and leptin enhance human sperm motility, acrosome reaction and nitric oxide production
Authors: Lampiao F, du Plessis SS.
Journal: Asian J Androl (2008): 799
Aldosterone enhances ligand-stimulated nitric oxide production in endothelial cells
Authors: Mutoh A, Isshiki M, Fujita T.
Journal: Hypertens Res (2008): 1811
Floral transition and nitric oxide emission during flower development in Arabidopsis thaliana is affected in nitrate reductase-deficient plants
Authors: Seligman K, Saviani EE, Oliveira HC, Pinto-Maglio CA, Salgado I.
Journal: Plant Cell Physiol (2008): 1112
Pleiotrophin induces nitric oxide dependent migration of endothelial progenitor cells
Authors: Heiss C, Wong ML, Block VI, Lao D, Real WM, Yeghiazarians Y, Lee RJ, Springer ML.
Journal: J Cell Physiol (2008): 366
Hydrogen peroxide induces nitric oxide and proteosome activity in endothelial cells: a bell-shaped signaling response
Authors: Thomas S, Kotamraju S, Zielonka J, Harder DR, Kalyanaraman B.
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (2007): 1049
Nitric oxide modulation of the electrically excitable skin of Xenopus laevis frog tadpoles
Authors: Alpert MH, Zhang H, Molinari M, Heitler WJ, Sillar KT.
Journal: J Exp Biol (2007): 3910
Design and characterization of a nano-encapsulated self-referenced fluorescent nitric oxide sensor for wide-field optical imaging
Authors: Zhang G, Shu FP, Robinson CJ.
Journal: Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc (2007): 103
The influence of L-arginine on blood pressure, vascular nitric oxide and renal morphometry in the offspring from diabetic mothers
Authors: Cavanal Mde F, Gomes GN, Forti AL, Rocha SO, Franco Mdo C, Fortes ZB, Gil FZ.
Journal: Pediatr Res (2007): 145
Increased nitric oxide levels in peritoneal fluids of minor-endometriosis patients and its relation to IVF-ET outcomes
Authors: Luo Q, Dong LJ, Huang HF.
Journal: Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban (2007): 424
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase activation leads to dilatory H2O2 production in mouse cerebral arteries
Authors: Drouin A, Thorin-Trescases N, Hamel E, Falck JR, Thorin E.
Journal: Cardiovasc Res (2007): 73
Hyposmotic stimulation-induced nitric oxide production in outer hair cells of the guinea pig cochlea
Authors: Takeda-Nakazawa H, Harada N, Shen J, Kubo N, Zenner HP, Yamashita T.
Journal: Hear Res (2007): 93
Proapoptotic nitric oxide production in amyloid beta protein-treated cerebral microvascular endothelial cells
Authors: Kimura C, Oike M, Watanabe M, Ito Y.
Journal: Microcirculation (2007): 89
Production of nitric oxide by airways neutrophils in the initial phase of murine asthma
Authors: Fern, undefined and es PD, L and graf RG, Britto LR, Jancar S.
Journal: Int Immunopharmacol (2007): 96
Characterization of nitric oxide release by nebivolol and its metabolites
Authors: Maffei A, Vecchione C, Aretini A, Poulet R, Bettarini U, Gentile MT, Cifelli G, Lembo G.
Journal: Am J Hypertens (2006): 579
Constitutive arginine-dependent nitric oxide synthase activity in different organs of pea seedlings during plant development
Authors: Corpas FJ, Barroso JB, Carreras A, Valderrama R, Palma JM, Leon AM, S and alio LM, del Rio LA.
Journal: Planta (2006): 246
Synthesis of nitric oxide in human osteoblasts in response to physiologic stimulation of electrotherapy
Authors: Hamed A, Kim P, Cho M.
Journal: Ann Biomed Eng (2006): 1908
Enhancement of apoptosis by nitric oxide released from alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone under hyperthermic conditions
Authors: Cui ZG, Kondo T, Matsumoto H.
Journal: J Cell Physiol (2006): 468
The effect of endogenous nitric oxide on mechanical ciliostimulation of human nasal mucosa
Authors: Alberty J, Stoll W, Rudack C.
Journal: Clin Exp Allergy (2006): 1254
Role of nitric oxide on ATP-induced Ca2+ signaling in outer hair cells of the guinea pig cochlea
Authors: Shen J, Harada N, Nakazawa H, Kaneko T, Izumikawa M, Yamashita T.
Journal: Brain Res (2006): 101
Measuring nitric oxide in single neurons by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence: use of ascorbate oxidase in diaminofluorescein measurements
Authors: Kim WS, Ye X, Rubakhin SS, Sweedler JV.
Journal: Anal Chem (2006): 1859
Acrolein produces nitric oxide through the elevation of intracellular calcium levels to induce apoptosis in human umbilical vein endothelial cells: implications for smoke angiopathy
Authors: Misonou Y, Asahi M, Yokoe S, Miyoshi E, Taniguchi N.
Journal: Nitric Oxide (2006): 180
Nitric oxide (NO) detection by DAF fluorescence and chemiluminescence: a comparison using abiotic and biotic NO sources
Authors: Planchet E, Kaiser WM.
Journal: J Exp Bot (2006): 3043
Galactosyl derivatives of L-arginine and D-arginine: synthesis, stability, cell permeation, and nitric oxide production in pituitary GH3 cells
Authors: Melisi D, Secondo A, Montoro P, Piacente S, Rimoli MG, Minale M, de Caprariis P, Annunziato L.
Journal: J Med Chem (2006): 4826
Schistosoma mansoni: use of a fluorescent indicator to detect nitric oxide and related species in living parasites
Authors: Kohn AB, Lea JM, Moroz LL, Greenberg RM.
Journal: Exp Parasitol (2006): 130
Nitric oxide production is higher in rat cardiac microvessel endothelial cells than ventricular cardiomyocytes in baseline and hypoxic conditions: a comparative study
Authors: Strijdom H, Jacobs S, Hattingh S, Page C, Lochner A.
Journal: FASEB J (2006): 314
Highly sensitive near-infrared fluorescent probes for nitric oxide and their application to isolated organs
Authors: Sasaki E, Kojima H, Nishimatsu H, Urano Y, Kikuchi K, Hirata Y, Nagano T.
Journal: J Am Chem Soc (2005): 3684
Production of nitric oxide-derived reactive nitrogen species in human oral cavity and their scavenging by salivary redox components
Authors: Takahama U, Hirota S, Oniki T.
Journal: Free Radic Res (2005): 737
Insulin-stimulated endothelial nitric oxide release is calcium independent and mediated via protein kinase B
Authors: Hartell NA, Archer HE, Bailey CJ.
Journal: Biochem Pharmacol (2005): 781
Endothelial nitric oxide production stimulated by the bioflavonoid chrysin in rat isolated aorta
Authors: Villar IC, Vera R, Galisteo M, O'Valle F, Romero M, Zarzuelo A, Duarte J.
Journal: Planta Med (2005): 829
Involvement of the nitric oxide-cyclic GMP pathway and neuronal nitric oxide synthase in ATP-induced Ca2+ signalling in cochlear inner hair cells
Authors: Shen J, Harada N, Nakazawa H, Yamashita T.
Journal: Eur J Neurosci (2005): 2912
Nitric oxide mediates inhibitory effect of leptin on insulin-like growth factor I augmentation of 17beta-estradiol production in human granulosa cells
Authors: Huang HF, Wang B, Yang XF, Luo Q, Sheng JZ.
Journal: Biol Reprod (2005): 102
The soy isoflavone genistein induces a late but sustained activation of the endothelial nitric oxide-synthase system in vitro
Authors: Rathel TR, Leikert JF, Vollmar AM, Dirsch VM.
Journal: Br J Pharmacol (2005): 394
Nitric oxide is involved in the Azospirillum brasilense-induced lateral root formation in tomato
Authors: Creus CM, Graziano M, Casanovas EM, Pereyra MA, Simontacchi M, Puntarulo S, Barassi CA, Lamattina L.
Journal: Planta (2005): 297
Acute effects of glucocorticoids on ATP-induced Ca2+ mobilization and nitric oxide production in cochlear spiral ganglion neurons
Authors: Yukawa H, Shen J, Harada N, Cho-Tamaoka H, Yamashita T.
Journal: Neuroscience (2005): 485
Performance of diamino fluorophores for the localization of sources and targets of nitric oxide
Authors: Rodriguez J, Specian V, Maloney R, Jourd'heuil D, Feelisch M.
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (2005): 356
Nitric oxide plays a central role in determining lateral root development in tomato
Authors: Correa-Aragunde N, Graziano M, Lamattina L.
Journal: Planta (2004): 900
Direct intracellular nitric oxide detection in isolated adult cardiomyocytes: flow cytometric analysis using the fluorescent probe, diaminofluorescein
Authors: Strijdom H, Muller C, Lochner A.
Journal: J Mol Cell Cardiol (2004): 897
Direct evidence that induced nitric oxide production in hepatocytes prevents liver damage during lipopolysaccharide tolerance in rats
Authors: Ebisawa Y, Kono T, Yoneda M, Asama T, Chisato N, Sugawara M, Ishikawa K, Iwamoto J, Ayabe T, Kohgo Y, Kasai S.
Journal: J Surg Res (2004): 183
Direct nitric oxide release from nipradilol in human coronary arterial smooth muscle cells observed with fluorescent NO probe and NO-electrode
Authors: Ishida H, Hirota Y, Higashijima N, Ishiwata K, Chokoh G, Matsuyama S, Murakami E, Nakazawa H.
Journal: Pathophysiology (2004): 77
Constitutive nitric oxide production in bovine aortic and brain microvascular endothelial cells: a comparative study
Authors: Kimura C, Oike M, Ohnaka K, Nose Y, Ito Y.
Journal: J Physiol (2004): 721
Mitochondrial calcium uptake stimulates nitric oxide production in mitochondria of bovine vascular endothelial cells
Authors: Dedkova EN, Ji X, Lipsius SL, Blatter LA.
Journal: Am J Physiol Cell Physiol (2004): C406
A nonradioactive assay for nitric oxide synthase activity in tissue extracts
Authors: Sutherl, undefined and H, Zolle O, Khundkar R, Simpson AW, Jarvis JC, Salmons S.
Journal: Methods Mol Biol (2004): 105
Cell type-dependent release of nitric oxide and/or reactive nitrogenoxide species from intracellular SIN-1: effects on cellular NAD(P)H
Authors: Swintek AU, Christoph S, Petrat F, de Groot H, Kirsch M.
Journal: Biol Chem (2004): 639
Nitric oxide is induced by wounding and influences jasmonic acid signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana
Authors: Huang X, Stettmaier K, Michel C, Hutzler P, Mueller MJ, Durner J.
Journal: Planta (2004): 938
Nitric oxide imaging in neurons using confocal microscopy
Authors: Zheng X, Ning G, Hong D, Zhang M.
Journal: Methods Mol Biol (2004): 69
Impaired nitric oxide production of the myenteric plexus in colitis detected by a new bioimaging system
Authors: Kono T, Chisato N, Ebisawa Y, Asama T, Sugawara M, Ayabe T, Kohgo Y, Kasai S, Yoneda M, Takahashi T.
Journal: J Surg Res (2004): 329
Measurement of nitric oxide by 4,5-diaminofluorescein without interferences
Authors: Ye X, Kim WS, Rubakhin SS, Sweedler JV.
Journal: Analyst (2004): 1200
Nitric oxide spatial distribution in single cultured hippocampus neurons: investigation by projection of reconstructed 3-D image and visualization technique
Authors: Yang Y, Ning GM, Kutor J, Hong DH, Zhang M, Zheng XX.
Journal: Cell Biol Int (2004): 577
Nitric oxide measurements in rat mesentery reveal disrupted venulo-arteriolar communication in diabetes
Authors: Nellore K, Harris NR.
Journal: Microcirculation (2004): 415
Highly sensitive fluorescence probes for nitric oxide based on boron dipyrromethene chromophore-rational design of potentially useful bioimaging fluorescence probe
Authors: Gabe Y, Urano Y, Kikuchi K, Kojima H, Nagano T.
Journal: J Am Chem Soc (2004): 3357
Direct visualization of nitric oxide release by liver cells after the arrest of metastatic tumor cells in the hepatic microvasculature
Authors: Qi K, Qiu H, Rutherford J, Zhao Y, Nance DM, Orr FW.
Journal: J Surg Res (2004): 29
Visualization of nitric oxide production and intracellular calcium in juxtamedullary afferent arteriolar endothelial cells
Authors: Pittner J, Liu R, Brown R, Wolgast M, Persson AE.
Journal: Acta Physiol Scand (2003): 309
Proinsulin C-peptide increases nitric oxide production by enhancing mitogen-activated protein-kinase-dependent transcription of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in aortic endothelial cells of Wistar rats
Authors: Kitamura T, Kimura K, Makondo K, Furuya DT, Suzuki M, Yoshida T, Saito M.
Journal: Diabetologia (2003): 1698
Formation of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in rat skeletal muscle cells during contractions
Authors: Silveira LR, Pereira-Da-Silva L, Juel C, Hellsten Y.
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (2003): 455
Endocrinology: nitric oxide-mediated insulin secretion in response to citrulline in islet beta-cells
Authors: Nakata M, Yada T.
Journal: Pancreas (2003): 209
Nitric oxide (NO) synthase mRNA expression and NO production via muscarinic acetylcholine receptor-mediated pathways in the CEM, human leukemic T-cell line
Authors: Kamimura Y, Fujii T, Kojima H, Nagano T, Kawashima K.
Journal: Life Sci (2003): 2151
Serum nitric oxide (NO) levels in systemic sclerosis patients: correlation between NO levels and clinical features
Authors: Takagi K, Kawaguchi Y, Hara M, Sugiura T, Harigai M, Kamatani N.
Journal: Clin Exp Immunol (2003): 538
Constitutive nitric oxide synthases in rat pancreatic islets: direct imaging of glucose-induced nitric oxide production in beta-cells
Authors: Nakada S, Ishikawa T, Yamamoto Y, Kaneko Y, Nakayama K.
Journal: Pflugers Arch (2003): 305
Nitric oxide mediated photo-induced cell death in human malignant cells
Authors: Ali SM, Olivo M.
Journal: Int J Oncol (2003): 751
Platelet-activating factor synthesis by neutrophils, monocytes, and endothelial cells is modulated by nitric oxide production
Authors: Mariano F, Bussolati B, Migliori M, Russo S, Triolo G, Camussi G.
Journal: Shock (2003): 339
Nitric oxide inhibits adenosine 5'-triphosphate-induced Ca2+ response in inner hair cells of the guinea pig cochlea
Authors: Shen J, Harada N, Yamashita T.
Journal: Neurosci Lett (2003): 135
The influence of oxygen-glucose deprivation on nitric oxide and intracellular Ca(2+) in cultured hippocampal neurons
Authors: Zhang M, Ning GM, Hong DH, Yang Y, Kutor J, Zheng XX.
Journal: Sheng Wu Hua Xue Yu Sheng Wu Wu Li Xue Bao (Shanghai) (2003): 561
Effect of SNI-2011 on amylase secretion from parotid tissue in rats and in neuronal nitric oxide synthase knockout mice
Authors: Yuan Z, Iida H, Inoue N, Ishikawa Y, Ishida H.
Journal: Eur J Pharmacol (2003): 197
Adiponectin stimulates production of nitric oxide in vascular endothelial cells
Authors: Chen H, Montagnani M, Funahashi T, Shimomura I, Quon MJ.
Journal: J Biol Chem (2003): 45021
Application of 4,5-diaminofluorescein to reliably measure nitric oxide released from endothelial cells in vitro
Authors: Rathel TR, Leikert JJ, Vollmar AM, Dirsch VM.
Journal: Biol Proced Online (2003): 136
Oxidative stress in glial cultures: detection by DAF-2 fluorescence used as a tool to measure peroxynitrite rather than nitric oxide
Authors: Roychowdhury S, Luthe A, Keilhoff G, Wolf G, Horn TF.
Journal: Glia (2002): 103
4,5-diaminofluoroscein imaging of nitric oxide synthesis in crayfish terminal ganglia
Authors: Schuppe H, Cuttle M, Chad JE, Newl and PL., undefined
Journal: J Neurobiol (2002): 361
Nitric oxide induces resensitization of P2Y nucleotide receptors in cultured rat mesangial cells
Authors: Liu R, Gutierrez AM, Ring A, Persson AE.
Journal: J Am Soc Nephrol (2002): 313
Nitric oxide inhibits capacitative Ca2+ entry and enhances endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ uptake in bovine vascular endothelial cells
Authors: Dedkova EN, Blatter LA.
Journal: J Physiol (2002): 77
Relaxin up-regulates inducible nitric oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide generation in rat coronary endothelial cells
Authors: Failli P, Nistri S, Quattrone S, Mazzetti L, Bigazzi M, Sacchi TB, Bani D.
Journal: FASEB J (2002): 252
Changes of cell volume and nitric oxide concentration in macula densa cells caused by changes in luminal NaCl concentration
Authors: Liu R, Pittner J, Persson AE.
Journal: J Am Soc Nephrol (2002): 2688
Increased basal nitric oxide release despite enhanced free radical production in hypertension
Authors: Maffei A, Poulet R, Vecchione C, Colella S, Fratta L, Frati G, Trimarco V, Trimarco B, Lembo G.
Journal: J Hypertens (2002): 1135
Induction of capacitation and the acrosome reaction of boar spermatozoa by L-arginine and nitric oxide synthesis associated with the anion transport system
Authors: Funahashi H., undefined
Journal: Reproduction (2002): 857
Increased nitric oxide-dependent nitrosylation of 4,5-diaminofluorescein by oxidants: implications for the measurement of intracellular nitric oxide
Authors: Jourd'heuil D., undefined
Journal: Free Radic Biol Med (2002): 676
Interfering with nitric oxide measurements. 4,5-diaminofluorescein reacts with dehydroascorbic acid and ascorbic acid
Authors: Zhang X, Kim WS, Hatcher N, Potgieter K, Moroz LL, Gillette R, Sweedler JV.
Journal: J Biol Chem (2002): 48472
Functional implications of Ca2+ mobilizing properties for nitric oxide production in aortic endothelium
Authors: Koyama T, Kimura C, Park SJ, Oike M, Ito Y.
Journal: Life Sci (2002): 511
Red wine polyphenols enhance endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression and subsequent nitric oxide release from endothelial cells
Authors: Leikert JF, Rathel TR, Wohlfart P, Cheynier V, Vollmar AM, Dirsch VM.
Journal: Circulation (2002): 1614
Nitric oxide-induced signalling in rat lacrimal acinar cells
Authors: Looms DK, Tritsaris K, Dissing S.
Journal: Acta Physiol Scand (2002): 109
Estriol enhances lipopolysaccharide-induced increases in nitric oxide production by Kupffer cells via mechanisms dependent on endotoxin
Authors: Enomoto N, Takei Y, Kitamura T, Hirose M, Ikejima K, Sato N.
Journal: Alcohol Clin Exp Res (2002): 66S
Serotonin-induced nitric oxide production in the ventral nerve cord of the earthworm, Eisenia fetida
Authors: Kitamura Y, Naganoma Y, Horita H, Ogawa H, Oka K.
Journal: Neurosci Res (2001): 129
Visualization of nitric oxide production in the earthworm ventral nerve cord
Authors: Kitamura Y, Naganoma Y, Horita H, Tsuji N, Shimizu R, Ogawa H, Oka K.
Journal: Neurosci Res (2001): 175
A fluorescence-based method for measuring nitric oxide in extracts of skeletal muscle
Authors: Sutherl, undefined and H, Khundkar R, Zolle O, McArdle A, Simpson AW, Jarvis JC, Salmons S.
Journal: Nitric Oxide (2001): 475
Reliable in vitro measurement of nitric oxide released from endothelial cells using low concentrations of the fluorescent probe 4,5-diaminofluorescein
Authors: Leikert JF, Rathel TR, Muller C, Vollmar AM, Dirsch VM.
Journal: FEBS Lett (2001): 131
Characterization of basal nitric oxide production in living cells
Authors: Lopez-Figueroa MO, Caamano C, Marin R, Guerra B, Alonso R, Morano MI, Akil H, Watson SJ.
Journal: Biochim Biophys Acta (2001): 253
Increased nitric oxide production in nasal epithelial cells from allergic patients--RT-PCR analysis and direct imaging by a fluorescence indicator: DAF-2 DA
Authors: Takeno S, Osada R, Furukido K, Chen JH, Yajin K.
Journal: Clin Exp Allergy (2001): 881
Neural stem cells express RET, produce nitric oxide, and survive transplantation in the gastrointestinal tract
Authors: Micci MA, Learish RD, Li H, Abraham BP, Pasricha PJ.
Journal: Gastroenterology (2001): 757
Nitric oxide generation by isolated descending vasa recta
Authors: Rhinehart KL, Pallone TL.
Journal: Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol (2001): H316
Determinants of shear stress-stimulated endothelial nitric oxide production assessed in real-time by 4,5-diaminofluorescein fluorescence
Authors: Qiu W, Kass DA, Hu Q, Ziegelstein RC.
Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2001): 328
Simultaneous detection of NOS-3 protein expression and nitric oxide production using a flow cytometer
Authors: Havenga MJ, van Dam B, Groot BS, Grimbergen JM, Valerio D, Bout A, Quax PH.
Journal: Anal Biochem (2001): 283
Impairment of endothelial nitric oxide production by acute glucose overload
Authors: Kimura C, Oike M, Koyama T, Ito Y.
Journal: Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab (2001): E171
Nitric oxide synthase in filariae: demonstration of nitric oxide production by embryos in Brugia malayi and Acanthocheilonema viteae
Authors: Pfarr KM, Qazi S, Fuhrman JA.
Journal: Exp Parasitol (2001): 205
A nitric oxide burst precedes apoptosis in angiosperm and gymnosperm callus cells and foliar tissues
Authors: Pedroso MC, Magalhaes JR, Durzan D.
Journal: J Exp Bot (2000): 1027
Fluorescent imaging of nitric oxide production in neuronal varicosities associated with intraparenchymal arterioles in rat hippocampal slices
Authors: Brown LA, Key BJ, Lovick TA.
Journal: Neurosci Lett (2000): 9
Nitric oxide induces cell death in Taxus cells
Authors: Pedroso MC, Magalhaes JR, Durzan D.
Journal: Plant Sci (2000): 173
Direct evidence of nitric oxide presence within mitochondria
Authors: Lopez-Figueroa MO, Caamano C, Morano MI, Ronn LC, Akil H, Watson SJ.
Journal: Biochem Biophys Res Commun (2000): 129
Kinetic characterization of the nitric oxide toxicity for PC12 cells: effect of half-life time of NO release
Authors: Yamamoto T, Yuyama K, Nakamura K, Kato T, Yamamoto H.
Journal: Eur J Pharmacol (2000): 25
Nitric oxide synthesis causes inositol phosphate production and Ca2+ release in rat parotid acinar cells
Authors: Tritsaris K, Looms DK, Nauntofte B, Dissing S.
Journal: Pflugers Arch (2000): 223
A fundamental role for the nitric oxide-G-kinase signaling pathway in mediating intercellular Ca(2+) waves in glia
Authors: Willmott NJ, Wong K, Strong AJ.
Journal: J Neurosci (2000): 1767
Endothelial cell nitric oxide inhibits aldosterone synthesis in zona glomerulosa cells: modulation by oxygen
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