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There are 5 citation(s) for MycoLight™ Live Bacteria Fluorescence Imaging Kit (Cat No. 22409).

Antibacterial mechanism of action of plantaricin LP21-2 against Escherichia coli and its potential application in yak milk
Authors: Jiang, Yu-Hang and Zhao, Yu-Ting and Liu, Chang and Tan, Han and Bu, Lin-Li and Suo, Hua-Yi
Journal: LWT (2024): 116266
Antimicrobial effects and metabolomics analysis of cell-free supernatant produced by Pediococcus acidilactici LWX 401 isolated from Yunnan traditional pickles
Authors: Liu, Wei-Xin and Wang, Jia-Jia and Xiao, Xian-Kang and Chen, Cai-Rui and Lu, Xiao and Zhang, Xin-Yi and Lin, Lian-Bing and Wang, Feng
Journal: LWT (2023): 115626
A novel bacteriocin against multiple foodborne pathogens from Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus isolated from juice ferments: ATF perfusion-based preparation of viable cells, characterization, antibacterial and antibiofilm activity
Authors: Chen, Shi-Yu and Yang, Rui-Si and Ci, Bai-Quan and Xin, Wei-Gang and Zhang, Qi-Lin and Lin, Lian-Bing and Wang, Feng
Journal: Current Research in Food Science (2023): 100484
Antibacterial activity and action target of phenyllactic acid against Staphylococcus aureus and its application in skim milk and cheese
Authors: Jiang, Yu-Hang and Ying, Jian-Ping and Xin, Wei-Gang and Yang, Lin-Yu and Li, Xiu-Zhang and Zhang, Qi-Lin
Journal: Journal of Dairy Science (2022): 9463--9475
A novel bacteriocin against Staphylococcus aureus from Lactobacillus paracasei isolated from Yunnan traditional fermented yogurt: Purification, antibacterial characterization, and antibiofilm activity
Authors: Jiang, Yu-Hang and Xin, Wei-Gang and Yang, Lin-Yu and Ying, Jian-Ping and Zhao, Zi-Shun and Lin, Lian-Bing and Li, Xiu-Zhang and Zhang, Qi-Lin
Journal: Journal of Dairy Science (2022): 2094--2107

There are 16 reference(s) for MycoLight™ Live Bacteria Fluorescence Imaging Kit (Cat No. 22409).

Raman spectroscopic analysis of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in response to dehydration reveals DNA conformation changes
Authors: Myintzu Hlaing, M.; Wood, B.; McNaughton, D.; Ying, D.; Augustin, M. A.
Journal: J Biophotonics (2017): 589-597
Inactivation of Cronobacter sakazakii in reconstituted infant formula by combination of thymoquinone and mild heat
Authors: Shi, C.; Jia, Z.; Chen, Y.; Yang, M.; Liu, X.; Sun, Y.; Zheng, Z.; Zhang, X.; Song, K.; Cui, L.; Baloch, A. B.; Xia, X.
Journal: J Appl Microbiol (2015): 1700-6
Antibacterial and antigelatinolytic effects of Satureja hortensis L. essential oil on epithelial cells exposed to Fusobacterium nucleatum
Authors: Zeidan-Chulia, F.; Keskin, M.; Kononen, E.; Uitto, V. J.; Soderling, E.; Moreira, J. C.; Gursoy, U. K.
Journal: J Med Food (2015): 503-6
Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy and flow cytometric assessment of the antibacterial mechanism of action of aqueous extract of garlic (Allium sativum) against selected probiotic Bifidobacterium strains
Authors: Booyens, J.; Thantsha, M. S.
Journal: BMC Complement Altern Med (2014): 289
Deposition and survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on clay minerals in a parallel plate flow system
Authors: Cai, P.; Huang, Q.; Walker, S. L.
Journal: Environ Sci Technol (2013): 1896-903
Observation of injured E. coli population resulting from the application of high-pressure throttling treatments
Authors: De Lamo-Castellvi, S.; Toledo, R.; Frank, J. F.
Journal: J Food Sci (2013): M582-6
Effect of air drying on bacterial viability: A multiparameter viability assessment
Authors: Nocker, A.; Fern and ez, P. S.; Montijn, R.; Schuren, F.
Journal: J Microbiol Methods (2012): 86-95
patients and environment
Authors: Lindback, T.; Rottenberg, M. E.; Roche, S. M.; Rorvik, L. M., The ability to enter into an avirulent viable but non-culturable (VBNC) form is widespread among Listeria monocytogenes isolates from salmon
Journal: Vet Res (2010): 8
Long-term survival of Legionella pneumophila in the viable but nonculturable state after monochloramine treatment
Authors: Alleron, L.; Merlet, N.; Lacombe, C.; Frere, J.
Journal: Curr Microbiol (2008): 497-502
Behaviors of physiologically active bacteria in water environment and chlorine disinfection
Authors: Sawaya, K.; Kaneko, N.; Fukushi, K.; Yaguchi, J.
Journal: Water Sci Technol (2008): 1343-8
Laser-induced fluorescence-capillary electrophoresis and fluorescence microplate reader measurement: two methods to quantify the effect of antibiotics
Authors: Hoerr, V.; Ziebuhr, W.; Kozitskaya, S.; Katzowitsch, E.; Holzgrabe, U.
Journal: Anal Chem (2007): 7510-8
Flow-cytometric study of vital cellular functions in Escherichia coli during solar disinfection (SODIS)
Authors: Berney, M.; Weilenmann, H. U.; Egli, T.
Journal: Microbiology (2006): 1719-29
Assessment of bacterial endospore viability with fluorescent dyes
Authors: Laflamme, C.; Lavigne, S.; Ho, J.; Duchaine, C.
Journal: J Appl Microbiol (2004): 684-92
Evidence on the role of protein biosynthesis in the induction of heat tolerance of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG by pressure pre-treatment
Authors: Ananta, E.; Knorr, D.
Journal: Int J Food Microbiol (2004): 307-13
Persistence and cell culturability of biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 under plough pan conditions in soil and influence of the anaerobic regulator gene anr
Authors: Mascher, F.; Schnider-Keel, U.; Haas, D.; Defago, G.; Moenne-Loccoz, Y.
Journal: Environ Microbiol (2003): 103-15
The use of multiple indices of physiological activity to access viability in chlorine disinfected Escherichia coli O157:H7
Authors: Lisle, J. T.; Pyle, B. H.; McFeters, G. A.
Journal: Lett Appl Microbiol (1999): 42-7