Posted on March 11, 2024
What are the different types of control for immunofluorescence?
Antibodies and Proteomics Bioconjugation Chemical ReagentsAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsimmunofluorescence
What are the different types of control for immunofluorescence?
Antibodies and Proteomics Bioconjugation Chemical ReagentsAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsimmunofluorescence
Posted on March 11, 2024
What do the different types of controls for immunofluorescence do?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsPrimary AntibodiesSecondary Antibodiesimmunofluorescence
What do the different types of controls for immunofluorescence do?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsPrimary AntibodiesSecondary Antibodiesimmunofluorescence
Posted on March 11, 2024
What is a negative control in an experiment?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsimmunofluorescence
What is a negative control in an experiment?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsimmunofluorescence
Posted on March 11, 2024
What is an example of a negative control in an experiment?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsimmunofluorescence
What is an example of a negative control in an experiment?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControlsimmunofluorescence
Posted on March 11, 2024
Why do we need positive control in an experiment?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControls
Why do we need positive control in an experiment?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControls
Posted on March 11, 2024
How do positive control groups work?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControls
How do positive control groups work?
Antibodies and Proteomics BioconjugationAntibody and Protein LabelingControls
Posted on February 19, 2020
Why are my NAD/NADH ratio readings erratic when compared to my standard solution?
AmpliteControlsNAD/NADH RatioNADH AssaySerial DilutionStock SolutionWorking Solutionbuffercaspaseenzymenicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Why are my NAD/NADH ratio readings erratic when compared to my standard solution?
AmpliteControlsNAD/NADH RatioNADH AssaySerial DilutionStock SolutionWorking Solutionbuffercaspaseenzymenicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
Posted on February 19, 2020
How do I determine transfection efficiency using a flow cytometer?
ControlsTransfectionflow cytometerflow cytometrylive cell analysis
How do I determine transfection efficiency using a flow cytometer?
ControlsTransfectionflow cytometerflow cytometrylive cell analysis
Posted on February 19, 2020
How do I improve transfection efficiency?
ControlsDNA Concentration CalculatorDNAStorageTransfectioncell culturedegree of labelinglipid
How do I improve transfection efficiency?
ControlsDNA Concentration CalculatorDNAStorageTransfectioncell culturedegree of labelinglipid
Posted on February 19, 2020
My cells are dying after transfection-what solutions do you recommend?
Cell AssayCell CytotoxicityCell Membrane IntegrityCell ViabilityControlsDNAProteinTransfectioncell culturecell damagecell death
My cells are dying after transfection-what solutions do you recommend?
Cell AssayCell CytotoxicityCell Membrane IntegrityCell ViabilityControlsDNAProteinTransfectioncell culturecell damagecell death
Posted on November 1, 2019
What is fluorescence crosstalk?
iFluor dyesControlscompensation correctioncorrection factordual stainsemission wavelengthexcitation wavelengthfluorescence imagingcrosstalk
What is fluorescence crosstalk?
iFluor dyesControlscompensation correctioncorrection factordual stainsemission wavelengthexcitation wavelengthfluorescence imagingcrosstalk
Posted on September 10, 2019
What controls do I need for immunofluorescence experiments?
iFluor dyesControlsFRETICCautofluorescencedegree of labelingantibody labelingcorrection factorimmunocytochemistry
What controls do I need for immunofluorescence experiments?
iFluor dyesControlsFRETICCautofluorescencedegree of labelingantibody labelingcorrection factorimmunocytochemistry
Posted on September 6, 2019
What controls do I need for ELISA?
AmpliteControlsConjugationELISAHRPIgGantibody labelingenzyme-labeled
What controls do I need for ELISA?
AmpliteControlsConjugationELISAHRPIgGantibody labelingenzyme-labeled