Posted on August 15, 2024
How is propagation of action potentials terminated once the message has been sent/received?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How is propagation of action potentials terminated once the message has been sent/received?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on August 15, 2024
How do neurons inverse an action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How do neurons inverse an action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 5, 2024
How do action potentials work?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How do action potentials work?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What is resting membrane potential (RMP)?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What is resting membrane potential (RMP)?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
Where does the resting membrane potential come from?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Where does the resting membrane potential come from?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the different types of ions found in neurons?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the different types of ions found in neurons?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
How do ions cross the membrane?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How do ions cross the membrane?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
How is resting membrane potential (RMP) produced and maintained?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How is resting membrane potential (RMP) produced and maintained?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
How are resting potentials measured?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How are resting potentials measured?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the main factors that determine the membrane potential?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the main factors that determine the membrane potential?
BioconjugationCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the features of action potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the features of action potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
How can the potential difference be measured?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How can the potential difference be measured?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the ionic mechanisms of resting potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the ionic mechanisms of resting potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What factors determine how quickly an action potential will travel?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What factors determine how quickly an action potential will travel?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
Why is the inside of a neuron negatively charged?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Why is the inside of a neuron negatively charged?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the ions that contribute to the membrane potential of neurons?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the ions that contribute to the membrane potential of neurons?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What happens during an action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What happens during an action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the differences between a graded potential and an action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the differences between a graded potential and an action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
Is it possible for a neuron to generate an action potential without stimuli?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Is it possible for a neuron to generate an action potential without stimuli?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are graded potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are graded potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
Why do action potentials travel in only one direction?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Why do action potentials travel in only one direction?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
Does the size of an action potential change?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Does the size of an action potential change?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
Why does the size of an action potential not change?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Why does the size of an action potential not change?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
How does action potential change with signal intensity?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How does action potential change with signal intensity?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
How are membrane potential different from action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How are membrane potential different from action potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What is equilibrium potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What is equilibrium potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What's the significance of equilibrium potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What's the significance of equilibrium potential?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the factors that can induce the movement of the ions through ion channels?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the factors that can induce the movement of the ions through ion channels?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are postsynaptic potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are postsynaptic potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 3, 2024
What are the general properties of postsynaptic potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the general properties of postsynaptic potentials?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on February 9, 2024
What is the structure of mitochondria?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological Probes
What is the structure of mitochondria?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological Probes
Posted on February 9, 2024
What are the characteristics of mitochondria?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological Probes
What are the characteristics of mitochondria?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological Probes
Posted on February 9, 2024
How do I isolate mitochondria from yeast cells?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesProtocol
How do I isolate mitochondria from yeast cells?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesProtocol
Posted on February 9, 2024
How do I isolate mitochondria from cell culture?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesProtocol
How do I isolate mitochondria from cell culture?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesProtocol
Posted on February 9, 2024
How do I isolate mitochondria from liver tissues?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesProtocol
How do I isolate mitochondria from liver tissues?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesProtocol
Posted on February 9, 2024
What are the steps of cell signaling?
Antibodies and ProteomicsCell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
What are the steps of cell signaling?
Antibodies and ProteomicsCell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on February 9, 2024
Where are ion channels mostly found?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsReceptor Proteinsion channel
Where are ion channels mostly found?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsReceptor Proteinsion channel
Posted on February 9, 2024
What's the significance of ion channels?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and Channelsion channel
What's the significance of ion channels?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and Channelsion channel
Posted on February 9, 2024
What happens when a ligand binds to ion-channel linked receptors?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What happens when a ligand binds to ion-channel linked receptors?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on February 8, 2024
What is proton-motive force?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What is proton-motive force?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on February 8, 2024
How can proton-motive force be generated?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How can proton-motive force be generated?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on January 22, 2024
What are types of carrier proteins?
ATPAntibody and Protein LabelingMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
What are types of carrier proteins?
ATPAntibody and Protein LabelingMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on January 22, 2024
What are the functions of carrier proteins?
ATPAntibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
What are the functions of carrier proteins?
ATPAntibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
Posted on January 22, 2024
What are the characteristics of carrier protein?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
What are the characteristics of carrier protein?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
Posted on January 22, 2024
Is a carrier protein a transport protein?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
Is a carrier protein a transport protein?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
Posted on January 22, 2024
What do channel proteins allow through the membrane?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane potentialmembrane proteins
What do channel proteins allow through the membrane?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane potentialmembrane proteins
Posted on January 22, 2024
What are the types of channel proteins depending on their function in the cell?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
What are the types of channel proteins depending on their function in the cell?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
Posted on January 22, 2024
What are the examples of channel protein?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
What are the examples of channel protein?
Antibody and Protein LabelingCellular ProcessesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channelmembrane proteins
Posted on November 27, 2023
How are membrane channels formed?
Cell SignalingCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
How are membrane channels formed?
Cell SignalingCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
Posted on November 27, 2023
What are the two types of proteins that associate the plasma membrane?
Cell SignalingCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
What are the two types of proteins that associate the plasma membrane?
Cell SignalingCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
Posted on November 27, 2023
How do ions enter the cell?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
How do ions enter the cell?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
Posted on November 27, 2023
What are the functions of transmembrane proteins?
Cell SignalingCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
What are the functions of transmembrane proteins?
Cell SignalingCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
Posted on November 27, 2023
What are the major components of the cell membrane?
Cellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
What are the major components of the cell membrane?
Cellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membranemembrane proteins
Posted on October 23, 2023
What is the structure of a fatty acid?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What is the structure of a fatty acid?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What is a fatty acid?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What is a fatty acid?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What are the types of fatty acids?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the types of fatty acids?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What are the functions of fatty acids?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the functions of fatty acids?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
Where are fatty acids synthesized?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Where are fatty acids synthesized?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What biological signaling pathways are fatty acids involved?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What biological signaling pathways are fatty acids involved?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What transports fatty acids around the body?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What transports fatty acids around the body?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
Why are fatty acids important to the cell membrane?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Why are fatty acids important to the cell membrane?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
How are fatty acids transported into and out of cell membrane?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How are fatty acids transported into and out of cell membrane?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What are the steps of beta-oxidation of fatty acids?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the steps of beta-oxidation of fatty acids?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
How are fatty acids activated prior to being transported into mitochondria and oxidized?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How are fatty acids activated prior to being transported into mitochondria and oxidized?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What are the products of beta-oxidation?
ATPCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsNAD/NADH and NADP/NADPHPhysiological Probes
What are the products of beta-oxidation?
ATPCellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsNAD/NADH and NADP/NADPHPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
How is fatty acyl CoA transported from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria for beta-oxidation?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesEnzymesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How is fatty acyl CoA transported from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria for beta-oxidation?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesEnzymesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 23, 2023
What regulates ketone body synthesis?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What regulates ketone body synthesis?
Cellular ProcessesCellular Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on October 20, 2023
What are the limitations of using ANEP dyes in membrane potential activity analysis?
Cell Plasma Membrane probesCell SignallingMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probesmitochondria membrane potential
What are the limitations of using ANEP dyes in membrane potential activity analysis?
Cell Plasma Membrane probesCell SignallingMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probesmitochondria membrane potential
Posted on October 20, 2023
How do ANEP dyes work?
Cell Plasma Membrane probesMembrane Potential and Channelsmitochondria membrane potential
How do ANEP dyes work?
Cell Plasma Membrane probesMembrane Potential and Channelsmitochondria membrane potential
Posted on October 17, 2023
Are there more sodium ions on the outside of cells or the inside?
Cellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma membrane
Are there more sodium ions on the outside of cells or the inside?
Cellular Structures and OrganellesIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma membrane
Posted on October 17, 2023
How do inorganic ions participate in biological processes?
Intracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
How do inorganic ions participate in biological processes?
Intracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
Posted on October 17, 2023
Why is it so important to keep the interior of the cells low in Na+ and high in K+?
Intracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
Why is it so important to keep the interior of the cells low in Na+ and high in K+?
Intracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
Posted on October 16, 2023
What is the magnitude of RMP in a typical skeletal muscle cell?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma Membrane
What is the magnitude of RMP in a typical skeletal muscle cell?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma Membrane
Posted on October 16, 2023
Why is action potential important for muscle contraction?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma Membrane
Why is action potential important for muscle contraction?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma Membrane
Posted on October 16, 2023
How is action potential generated?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma Membrane
How is action potential generated?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondriaPlasma Membrane
Posted on September 15, 2023
How is sodium-potassium pump regulated?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
How is sodium-potassium pump regulated?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
What are the steps of the sodium-potassium pump cycle?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
What are the steps of the sodium-potassium pump cycle?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
How does potassium ions enter a cell?
ATPMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
How does potassium ions enter a cell?
ATPMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
What are the functions of potassium ions?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
What are the functions of potassium ions?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
What role does the sodium pump play in the cell membrane?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
What role does the sodium pump play in the cell membrane?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
What is the significance of sodium ions?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
What is the significance of sodium ions?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
What is the significance of potassium ions?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
What is the significance of potassium ions?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
Where is most of the potassium found in the body?
Intracellular IonsMembrane Potential and Channelsion channel
Where is most of the potassium found in the body?
Intracellular IonsMembrane Potential and Channelsion channel
Posted on September 15, 2023
Why is the sodium-potassium pump considered as an active transport mechanism?
ATPIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
Why is the sodium-potassium pump considered as an active transport mechanism?
ATPIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
Posted on September 15, 2023
What is the role of ATP in the sodium-potassium pump?
ATPIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membrane
What is the role of ATP in the sodium-potassium pump?
ATPIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membrane
Posted on September 15, 2023
What happens if the sodium-potassium pump fails or is inhibited?
ATPIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
What happens if the sodium-potassium pump fails or is inhibited?
ATPIntracellular IonsMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
Posted on July 24, 2023
What is the mechanism of a sodium-potassium pump?
ATPCellular Structures and OrganellesEnzymesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
What is the mechanism of a sodium-potassium pump?
ATPCellular Structures and OrganellesEnzymesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPlasma Membraneion channel
Posted on May 3, 2023
What is the significance of cell signaling?
Cell Cycle AnalysisCell Cycle and ProliferationCell MetabolismCell SignalingCell ViabilityCellular ProcessesG-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR)Membrane Potential and Channels
What is the significance of cell signaling?
Cell Cycle AnalysisCell Cycle and ProliferationCell MetabolismCell SignalingCell ViabilityCellular ProcessesG-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR)Membrane Potential and Channels
Posted on May 3, 2023
What are the functions of cell signaling?
Cell Cycle AnalysisCell Cycle and ProliferationCell CytotoxicityCell MetabolismCell SignalingCell ViabilityCellular ProcessesG-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR)Membrane Potential and Channels
What are the functions of cell signaling?
Cell Cycle AnalysisCell Cycle and ProliferationCell CytotoxicityCell MetabolismCell SignalingCell ViabilityCellular ProcessesG-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR)Membrane Potential and Channels
Posted on May 3, 2023
How do cells communicate?
Apoptosis and NecrosisCell Cycle AnalysisCell Cycle and ProliferationCell CytotoxicityCell MetabolismCell SignalingCell ViabilityCellular ProcessesG-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR)Membrane Potential and Channels
How do cells communicate?
Apoptosis and NecrosisCell Cycle AnalysisCell Cycle and ProliferationCell CytotoxicityCell MetabolismCell SignalingCell ViabilityCellular ProcessesG-Protein-Coupled Receptors (GPCR)Membrane Potential and Channels
Posted on November 19, 2022
How do I label the cell membrane?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
How do I label the cell membrane?
Cell SignalingCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesPlasma Membrane
Posted on August 11, 2022
What are the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression?
NucleusDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic gene expression?
NucleusDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 28, 2022
Why are fatty acids important?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Why are fatty acids important?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 28, 2022
What is the precursor for fatty acid synthesis?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and ChannelsEnzymes
What is the precursor for fatty acid synthesis?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and ChannelsEnzymes
Posted on July 27, 2022
What's the difference between endocytosis and phagocytosis?
Physiological ProbesCell CytotoxicityMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular Processes
What's the difference between endocytosis and phagocytosis?
Physiological ProbesCell CytotoxicityMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular Processes
Posted on July 27, 2022
What is phagocytosis?
Cell CytotoxicityCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What is phagocytosis?
Cell CytotoxicityCellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 22, 2022
What is the major difference in RNA processing between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
DNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesNucleus
What is the major difference in RNA processing between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
DNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesNucleus
Posted on July 22, 2022
Where is RNA editing detected?
NucleusDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Where is RNA editing detected?
NucleusDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 22, 2022
Where do mRNA modifications occur?
DNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesNucleus
Where do mRNA modifications occur?
DNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesNucleus
Posted on July 20, 2022
How are fatty acids activated?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
How are fatty acids activated?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 19, 2022
What are the products of fatty acid oxidation?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesCell CytotoxicityCellular Processes
What are the products of fatty acid oxidation?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesCell CytotoxicityCellular Processes
Posted on July 15, 2022
What is the difference between membrane potential and equilibrium potential?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsBioconjugation
What is the difference between membrane potential and equilibrium potential?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsBioconjugation
Posted on July 15, 2022
What is the difference between membrane potential and action potential?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsBioconjugation
What is the difference between membrane potential and action potential?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsBioconjugation
Posted on July 15, 2022
How does a cell maintain resting membrane potential?
BioconjugationMembrane Potential and Channels
How does a cell maintain resting membrane potential?
BioconjugationMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on July 15, 2022
How does temperature affect equilibrium potential?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsBioconjugation
How does temperature affect equilibrium potential?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsBioconjugation
Posted on July 7, 2022
Are fatty acids made up of triglycerides?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular Processes
Are fatty acids made up of triglycerides?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular Processes
Posted on July 7, 2022
Where does fatty acid synthesis occur?
Cellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Where does fatty acid synthesis occur?
Cellular ProcessesMembrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on July 1, 2022
What is produced in fatty acid oxidation?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular ProcessesCell Signaling
What is produced in fatty acid oxidation?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular ProcessesCell Signaling
Posted on April 14, 2022
How is the cell membrane affected by temperature?
Cell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsCell MetabolismPhysiological Probes
How is the cell membrane affected by temperature?
Cell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsCell MetabolismPhysiological Probes
Posted on February 1, 2022
What are the differences between organ cultures and cell cultures?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesIntracellular IonsBioconjugation
What are the differences between organ cultures and cell cultures?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesIntracellular IonsBioconjugation
Posted on January 25, 2022
What types of membrane proteins are there?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsCell Structures and OrganellesBioconjugation
What types of membrane proteins are there?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsCell Structures and OrganellesBioconjugation
Posted on January 20, 2022
Why was the unit membrane model rejected?
Cell MetabolismCell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondria
Why was the unit membrane model rejected?
Cell MetabolismCell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsMitochondria
Posted on January 17, 2022
Why is cell membrane fluidity important?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsCell MetabolismCell Structure and Organelles
Why is cell membrane fluidity important?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsCell MetabolismCell Structure and Organelles
Posted on January 6, 2022
What is tissue on a chip?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesCell CytotoxicityCellular Processes
What is tissue on a chip?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological ProbesCell CytotoxicityCellular Processes
Posted on December 17, 2021
What is 2D cell culture?
Cell Proliferation AssaysMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular Processes
What is 2D cell culture?
Cell Proliferation AssaysMembrane Potential and ChannelsCellular Processes
Posted on October 28, 2021
What is the difference between RNA polymerase I and II?
NucleusPhysiological ProbesDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and Channels
What is the difference between RNA polymerase I and II?
NucleusPhysiological ProbesDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on October 27, 2021
What is the function of RNA polymerase in prokaryotes?
NucleusPhysiological ProbesDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and Channels
What is the function of RNA polymerase in prokaryotes?
NucleusPhysiological ProbesDNA and RNA QuantitationMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on October 26, 2021
What is the function of RNA polymerase in protein synthesis?
NucleusDNA and RNA QuantitationPhysiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
What is the function of RNA polymerase in protein synthesis?
NucleusDNA and RNA QuantitationPhysiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on October 25, 2021
Does RNA polymerase make RNA?
DNA and RNANucleusPhysiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
Does RNA polymerase make RNA?
DNA and RNANucleusPhysiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on October 18, 2021
Which RNA polymerase works on mRNA?
DNA and RNA QuantitationNucleusPhysiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
Which RNA polymerase works on mRNA?
DNA and RNA QuantitationNucleusPhysiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on October 13, 2021
How is NLRP3 activation detected?
Cell MetabolismCell Structures a nd OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsApoptosis and Necrosis
How is NLRP3 activation detected?
Cell MetabolismCell Structures a nd OrganellesMembrane Potential and ChannelsApoptosis and Necrosis
Posted on July 28, 2021
What are the types of detergents?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
What are the types of detergents?
Membrane Potential and ChannelsPhysiological Probes
Posted on April 22, 2021
What factors can affect membrane permeability?
Cell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
What factors can affect membrane permeability?
Cell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on April 22, 2021
What part of the cell membrane is hydrophilic?
Cell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
What part of the cell membrane is hydrophilic?
Cell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on April 19, 2021
What is the organelle that produces nearly all of the energy required by the cell?
MitochondriaCell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
What is the organelle that produces nearly all of the energy required by the cell?
MitochondriaCell Structures and OrganellesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on March 31, 2021
What are the differences between adherent cells and suspension cells?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
What are the differences between adherent cells and suspension cells?
Physiological ProbesMembrane Potential and Channels
Posted on December 7, 2020
What are the differences between tissue culture and cell culture?
ToolsMembrane Potential and Channels
What are the differences between tissue culture and cell culture?
ToolsMembrane Potential and Channels