AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between effector and memory cells?

Posted November 29, 2023


Effector cells and memory cells are two types of immune system cells. There are a few significant differences between the two:

Effector cells:

  • Are activated lymphocytes that play a critical role in defending the body from foreign pathogens 
  • Are relatively short-lived
  • Their main function is to fight off new pathogens that invade the body  

Memory cells:

  • Are long-lived lymphocytes that are can recognize previously encountered antigens long after the initial exposure 
  • Are relatively long-lived with a life span that can last throughout the organism’s life
  • Their main function is to recognize a previously encountered antigen and mount a swift and robust immune response
Additional resources

Different Subsets of T Cells, Memory, Effector Functions, and CAR-T Immunotherapy

CD3 (Leu4, T3)

iFluor® 488 Anti-human CD3 Antibody *HIT3a*