AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between karyotype and chromosome microarray?

Posted August 16, 2023


Basis of differentiation


Chromosome microarray


A karyotype is a standard laboratory technique to visualize and analyze the number and structure of chromosomes in a cell 

Chromosome microarray is used as a diagnostic tool to identify genetic causes of illness and developmental problems   


Karyotype analysis detects entire chromosomes

Chromosome microarray analysis gene fragments utilizing a large quantity of known probes to provide genomic information


Karyotype analysis requires manual selection of cultured cells

CMA can use uncultured amniocytes

Sample requirement

A karyotype requires a sample of cells, typically obtained through amniocentesis or from blood  

CMA requires a smaller sample of DNA, typically obtained from blood or other tissues


Karyotyping can identify large-scale chromosomal abnormalities and changes in size of chromosomes  

CMA offers higher resolution compared to karyotyping and can detect small deletions and duplications 

Additional resources


Gene Expression Analysis & Genotyping