AAT Bioquest

What is the significance of endocrine signaling?

Posted July 10, 2023


The significance of endocrine signaling lies in its ability to regulate various processes and maintain homeostasis. Endocrine signaling allows the body to respond and adapt to changes in the environment, coordinate complex processes, and maintain overall balance and well-being.

Endocrine signaling plays a pivotal role in the body's communication system by facilitating communication between cells that are located at a distance from each other. Without endocrine signaling, there would be no way for these cells to communicate with each other because of the absence of neurons and nerves in between each cell. 

Hormone secretion is an example of endocrine signaling. Hormones act as chemical messengers, coordinating and controlling the activities of different cells and organs, and influencing growth, development, metabolism, reproduction, mood, and many other physiological functions. When released into the bloodstream by specialized cells called endocrine glands, hormones travel throughout the body, reaching target cells or organs where they bind to specific receptors.

Additional resources

Signaling Molecules and Their Receptors

Cell Signaling

Screen Quest™ Fluorimetric ELISA cAMP Assay Kit