AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between active and passive membrane transport?

Posted January 27, 2022


Membrane transport refers to the transport of molecules across the cell membrane. There are two main types of membrane transport – active and passive – with notable differences between the two.

Basis Of DifferentiationActive Membrane TransportPassive Membrane Transport
DefinitionIs the active movement of ions or molecules across the cell membrane against the concentration gradient using ATP (energy)Is the passive movement of ions or molecules across the cell membrane through the concentration gradient without using ATP (energy)
Energy usageUses cellular energy in the form of ATP to transport molecules across the cell membraneDoes not require cellular energy to transport molecules across the cell membrane
Types of molecules transportedTransports all molecules including ions, proteins, complex sugars, and large cellsTransports all soluble molecules including lipids, oxygen, monosaccharides, carbon dioxide, and sex hormones
Type of ProcessRapid, dynamic processSlow, physical process
Direction of movementMovement of molecules is unidirectionalMovement of molecules is bidirectional
CirculationCirculates from a region of lower concentration to a region of higher concentrationCirculates from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
Role in maintaining/disrupting equilibriumDisrupts the equilibrium by allowing molecules to pass through the cell membraneMaintains dynamic equilibrium of water, gasses, nutrients, and waste by passive diffusion between cytosol and extracellular environment
Influencing factorsInfluenced by temperature, metabolic inhibitors, and oxygen levelsNot influenced by temperature, metabolic inhibitors, or oxygen levels
ImportanceEssential for the entry of large, insoluble molecules into the cellMaintains the delicate homeostasis between the cytosol and extracellular fluid
TypesEndocytosis, exocytosis, sodium-potassium pumpDiffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis
Additional resources

Active intracellular transport in metastatic cells studied by spatial light interference microscopy
