AAT Bioquest

Psoralen TMP Succinimidyl Ester

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Physical properties
Molecular weight468.45
Storage, safety and handling
H-phraseH303, H313, H333
Hazard symbolXN
Intended useResearch Use Only (RUO)
R-phraseR20, R21, R22
StorageFreeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure


Molecular weight
Psoralens and their derivatives (such as 8-TMP and 4,5’,8-TMP) are well known to have unique crosslinking features to DNA. Psoralen TMP Succinimidyl Ester is an amino-reactive TMP derivative. It is an excellent building block for preparing TMP-labeled oligos from the readily available amino-modified oligos. The TMP-conjugated oligonucleotides can be used for sequence-specific crosslinking with a target DNA, thus enabling the application of psoralen-conjugated molecules in gene transcription inhibition, gene knockout, and other genomic applications. Psoralen TMP Succinimidyl Ester may also be used for preparing site-specific DNA/RNA probes via the conjugations with amino-containing biomolecules such as antibodies.


Common stock solution preparation

Table 1. Volume of DMSO needed to reconstitute specific mass of Psoralen TMP Succinimidyl Ester to given concentration. Note that volume is only for preparing stock solution. Refer to sample experimental protocol for appropriate experimental/physiological buffers.

0.1 mg0.5 mg1 mg5 mg10 mg
1 mM213.47 µL1.067 mL2.135 mL10.673 mL21.347 mL
5 mM42.694 µL213.47 µL426.94 µL2.135 mL4.269 mL
10 mM21.347 µL106.735 µL213.47 µL1.067 mL2.135 mL

Molarity calculator

Enter any two values (mass, volume, concentration) to calculate the third.

Mass (Calculate)Molecular weightVolume (Calculate)Concentration (Calculate)Moles



View all 50 references: Citation Explorer
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