AAT Bioquest

How is fatty acyl CoA transported from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria for beta-oxidation?

Posted October 23, 2023


Fatty acids become initiated for degradation through binding with CoA within the cytosol. The transport of fatty acyl-CoA across the cytoplasm to the mitochondrial membrane occurs via carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I). This enzyme concurrently converts fatty acyl CoA to acylcarnitine and is then transported across the mitochondrial membrane via carnitine translocase (CAT). CATII then converts the acylcarnitine chain back to the acyl-CoA long chain that was there prior to beta-oxidation, producing fatty acyl CoA and carnitine. This carnitine shuttle is only necessary for longer chain fatty acids. The long-chain acyl-CoA is then able to translocate to the beta-oxidation pathway generating one acetyl-CoA from each cycle.

Additional resources

Fatty Acid beta-Oxidation

Screen Quest™ Fluorimetric Fatty Acid Uptake Assay Kit