AAT Bioquest

What is protein denaturation?

Posted June 22, 2020


Protein denaturation is a process where proteins lose high levels of structure, including secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures, by application of some external stress or compounds. Examples of external stimulation for denaturation are strong acid or base, concentrated inorganic salt, organic solvent, radiation, and heat. Denatured proteins lose their 3D structure, which may result in a variety of consequences such as loss of solubility, aggregation due to the exposure of hydrophobic group, and ultimately loss of function.

Additional resources

Amplite™ Fluorimetric Fluorescamine Protein Quantitation Kit *Blue Fluorescence*

Amplite™ Rapid Colorimetric Total Protein Thiol Quantitation Assay Kit

Branden, C. I., & Tooze, J. (2012). Introduction to protein structure. Garland Science.

Tanford, C. (1968). Protein denaturation. In Advances in protein chemistry (Vol. 23, pp. 121-282). Academic press.