AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between mRNA and tRNA?

Posted April 27, 2023


mRNA and tRNA are two different types of RNAs (ribonucleic acids). There are several differences between mRNA and tRNA, from their structure to the functions they perform.

Basis of differentiation 




Is a type of RNA that acts as a messenger between genes and proteins

Is a type of RNA that transfers specific amino acids into the ribosome for coding during protein synthesis

Full name

Messenger RNA

Transfer RNA


Single-stranded, unfolded linear molecule 

3 dimensional complex structure composed of multiple hairpin loops , an acceptor arm, and a small variable loop


Synthesized in the nucleus and functions in the nucleus and cytoplasm

Occurs and functions in the cytoplasm


Varies depending on the coding sequence of the gene

About 76 to 90 nucleotides in length

Quantity in a cell

A cell generally has a smaller amount of mRNA as compared to tRNA 

A cell has a larger amount of tRNA than mRNA

Presence of codon/anticodon

Carries a codon sequence that is complementary to the codon sequence of the gene – does not have an anticodon

Carries an anticodon that is complementary to the codon on the mRNA 

Presence of sequence terminating nucleotides


Has CCA trinucleotides at one end of the molecule


Serves as the messenger between genes and proteins, carrying genetic information contained in DNA to be used as a template for synthesizing protein 

Carries specific amino acid into the ribosome for protein synthesis 

Interaction with amino acids

Does not attach to amino acids during protein synthesis

Carries a specific amino acid by attaching to its acceptor arm

Fate after completing its function 

Is destroyed after transcription 

Is reactivated by attaching to a second amino acid specific to it after releasing its first amino acid during translation 

Additional resources

Interactions of the ribosome with mRNA and tRNA

Antibody and Protein Labeling

Transfectamine™ mRNA Transfection Reagent