AAT Bioquest

What are the differences between T helper and T cytotoxic cells?

Posted August 24, 2023


Basis of differentiation 

T helper cells

T cytotoxic cells


Are a type of immune cell that plays a supportive role in the immune system by recognizing foreign antigens and secreting cytokines that activate T and B cells 

Are a type of immune cell that is capable of directly killing certain cells including tumor cells and virus infected cells directly by destroying the cell membranes

Types of T cell receptor (TCR) on cell membrane

CD4 receptors

CD8 receptors

Antigen presentation

Dendritic cells, macrophages, and neutrophils 

Virus-infected cells and tumor cells 

Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) molecules

CD4 receptors present on the cell membrane can recognize antigens presented with MHC class II molecules

CD8 receptors present on the cell membrane can recognize antigens presented with MHC class I molecules

Has the ability to kill pathogen directly




Secretion of cytokines that help to regulate other cells in the immune system and present antigens to the B cells

Directly destroy virus-infected cells and tumor cells

Additional resources

Helper T Cells and Lymphocyte Activation

CD4 (Leu3, T4)

iFluor® 488 Anti-human CD4 Antibody *HIT4a*

CD8 (TCR, Leu2, T8)

iFluor® 488 Anti-human CD8 Antibody *OKT-8*