AAT Bioquest

What are the similarities between CD4 cells and CD 8 cells?

Posted August 24, 2023


CD4 and CD8 cells are two types of T lymphocytes that are present in the blood and play key roles in triggering cell-mediated immune responses. Both types of cells feature T cell receptor (TCR) variations, which help to identify the type of T cells. Both, CD4 cells and CD8 cells are differentiated from the common lymphoid progenitor cells in the bone marrow and go on to mature in the thymus. 

Additional resources

Similarities and differences in CD4+ and CD8+ effector and memory T cell generation

CD4 (Leu3, T4)

iFluor® 488 Anti-human CD4 Antibody *HIT4a*

CD8 (TCR, Leu2, T8)

iFluor® 488 Anti-human CD8 Antibody *OKT-8*