AAT Bioquest

Fluo-8FF™, AM

Calcium measurements are critical for numerous biological investigations. Fluorescent probes that show spectral responses upon binding Ca2+ have enabled researchers to investigate changes in intracellular free Ca2+ concentrations by using fluorescence microscopy, flow cytometry, fluorescence spectroscopy, and fluorescence microplate readers. Fluo-3 AM and Fluo-4 AM are most commonly used among the visible light-excitable calcium indicators for live-cell calcium imaging. However, Fluo-3 AM and Fluo-4 AM are only moderately fluorescent in live cells upon esterase hydrolysis and require harsh cell loading conditions to maximize their cellular calcium responses. Fluo-8® dyes are developed to improve cell loading and calcium response while maintaining the convenient Fluo-3 and Fluo-4 spectral wavelengths of Ex/Em = ∼490/∼520 nm. Fluo-8® AM can be loaded into cells at room temperature, while Fluo-3 AM and Fluo-4 AM require 37°C for cell loading. In addition, Fluo-8® AM is two times brighter than Fluo-4 AM and four times brighter than Fluo-3 AM. AAT Bioquest offers a set of our outstanding Fluo-8® reagents with different calcium-binding affinities (Fluo-8® Kd = 389 nM; Fluo-8H™ Kd = 232 nM; Fluo-8L™ Kd = 1.86 µM; Fluo-8FF™ Kd = 10 µM). We also offer versatile packing sizes to meet your special needs (e.g., 1 mg, 10x50 µg, 20x50 µg, and HTS packages) with no additional packaging charge.

Example protocol


Unless otherwise noted, all unused stock solutions should be divided into single-use aliquots and stored at -20 °C after preparation. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles

Fluo-8FF™ AM Stock Solution
  1. Prepare a 2 to 5 mM stock solution of Fluo-8FF™ AM in high-quality, anhydrous DMSO.


Fluo-8FF™ AM Working Solution
  1. On the day of the experiment, either dissolve Fluo-8FF™ AM in DMSO or thaw an aliquot of the indicator stock solution to room temperature.

  2. Prepare a 2 to 20 µM Fluo-8FF™ AM working solution in a buffer of your choice (e.g., Hanks and Hepes buffer) with 0.04% Pluronic® F-127. For most cell lines, Fluo-8FF™ AM at a final concentration of 4-5 μM is recommended. The exact concentration of indicators required for cell loading must be determined empirically.

    Note: The nonionic detergent Pluronic® F-127 is sometimes used to increase the aqueous solubility of Fluo-8FF™ AM. A variety of Pluronic® F-127 solutions can be purchased from AAT Bioquest.

    Note: If your cells contain organic anion-transporters, probenecid (1-2 mM) may be added to the dye working solution (final in well concentration will be 0.5-1 mM) to reduce leakage of the de-esterified indicators. A variety of ReadiUse™ Probenecid products, including water-soluble, sodium salt, and stabilized solutions, can be purchased from AAT Bioquest.


Following is our recommended protocol for loading AM esters into live cells. This protocol only provides a guideline and should be modified according to your specific needs.

  1. Prepare cells in growth medium overnight.
  2. On the next day, add 1X Fluo-8FF™ AM working solution to your cell plate.

    Note: If your compound(s) interfere with the serum, replace the growth medium with fresh HHBS buffer before dye-loading.

  3. Incubate the dye-loaded plate in a cell incubator at 37 °C for 30 to 60 minutes.

    Note: Incubating the dye for longer than 2 hours can improve signal intensities in certain cell lines.

  4. Replace the dye working solution with HHBS or buffer of your choice (containing an anion transporter inhibitor, such as 1 mM probenecid, if applicable) to remove any excess probes.
  5. Add the stimulant as desired and simultaneously measure fluorescence using either a fluorescence microscope equipped with a FITC filter set or a fluorescence plate reader containing a programmable liquid handling system such as an FDSS, FLIPR, or FlexStation, at 490/525 nm cutoff 515 nm.


Common stock solution preparation

Table 1. Volume of DMSO needed to reconstitute specific mass of Fluo-8FF™, AM to given concentration. Note that volume is only for preparing stock solution. Refer to sample experimental protocol for appropriate experimental/physiological buffers.

0.1 mg0.5 mg1 mg5 mg10 mg
1 mM92.344 µL461.719 µL923.438 µL4.617 mL9.234 mL
5 mM18.469 µL92.344 µL184.688 µL923.438 µL1.847 mL
10 mM9.234 µL46.172 µL92.344 µL461.719 µL923.438 µL

Molarity calculator

Enter any two values (mass, volume, concentration) to calculate the third.

Mass (Calculate)Molecular weightVolume (Calculate)Concentration (Calculate)Moles


Product family

NameExcitation (nm)Emission (nm)Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1)Quantum yield
Fluo-8®, AM495516234300.161
Fluo-8H™, AM495516234300.161
Fluo-8L™, AM495516234300.161
Fluo-4 AM *Ultrapure Grade* *CAS 273221-67-3*495528820000.161
Fluo-3, AM *CAS 121714-22-5*50651586,00010.151
Fluo-3, AM *UltraPure grade* *CAS 121714-22-5*50651586,00010.151
Fluo-3, AM *Bulk package* *CAS 121714-22-5*50651586,00010.151
Fluo-3FF, AM *UltraPure grade* *Cell permeant*50651586,00010.151
Fluo-5F, AM *Cell permeant*494516--
Fluo-5N, AM *Cell permeant*494516--
Fura-8FF™, AM354524--
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View all 157 citations: Citation Explorer
Passive and parallel microfluidic formation of droplet interface bilayers (DIBs) for measurement of leakage of small molecules through artificial phospholipid membranes
Authors: Czekalska, Magdalena A and Kaminski, Tomasz S and Makuch, Karol and Garstecki, Piotr
Journal: Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2019)
Spatiotemporal magnetic fields enhance cytosolic Ca 2+ levels and induce actin polymerization via activation of voltage-gated sodium channels in skeletal muscle cells
Authors: Ayala, Mónica Rubio and Syrovets, Tatiana and Hafner, Susanne and Zablotskii, Vitalii and Dejneka, Alex and r , undefined and Simmet, Thomas
Journal: Biomaterials (2018)
Development of micro mechanical device having two-dimensional array of micro chambers for cell stretching
Authors: Minami, K and Hayashi, T and Sato, K and Nakahara, T
Journal: Biomedical microdevices (2018): 10
Aryl-and alkyl-phosphorus-containing flame retardants induced mitochondrial impairment and cell death in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-k1) cells
Authors: Huang, Chao and Li, Na and Yuan, Shengwu and Ji, Xiaoya and Ma, Mei and Rao, Kaifeng and Wang, Zijian
Journal: Environmental Pollution (2017): 775--786
Ex vivo replication of phenotypic functions of osteocytes through biomimetic 3D bone tissue construction
Authors: Sun, Qiaoling and Choudhary, Saba and Mannion, Ciaran and Kissin, Yair and Zilberberg, Jenny and Lee, Woo Y
Journal: Bone (2017)
Page updated on October 22, 2024

Ordering information

Unit size
10x50 ug
1 mg
Catalog Number
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ShippingStandard overnight for United States, inquire for international
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Physical properties

Dissociation constant (Kd, nM)10000

Molecular weight




Spectral properties

Correction Factor (260 nm)


Correction Factor (280 nm)


Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1)


Excitation (nm)


Emission (nm)


Quantum yield


Storage, safety and handling

H-phraseH303, H313, H333
Hazard symbolXN
Intended useResearch Use Only (RUO)
R-phraseR20, R21, R22


Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure


Fluorescence microscope

Recommended plateBlack wall, clear bottom

Fluorescence microplate reader

Recommended plateBlack wall, clear bottom
Instrument specification(s)Bottom read mode, Programmable liquid handling
U2OS cells were seeded overnight at 40,000 cells per 100 uL per well in a 96-well black all/clear bottom costar plate.&nbsp; The growth medium was removed, and the cells were incubated with 100 uL of 4 uM Fluo-3 AM, Fluo-4 AM or Fluo-8&reg; AM in HHBS at 37 &deg;C for 1 hour. The cells were washed twice with 200 uL HHBS, then imaged with a fluorescence microscope using FITC channel.
U2OS cells were seeded overnight at 40,000 cells per 100 uL per well in a 96-well black all/clear bottom costar plate.&nbsp; The growth medium was removed, and the cells were incubated with 100 uL of 4 uM Fluo-3 AM, Fluo-4 AM or Fluo-8&reg; AM in HHBS at 37 &deg;C for 1 hour. The cells were washed twice with 200 uL HHBS, then imaged with a fluorescence microscope using FITC channel.
U2OS cells were seeded overnight at 40,000 cells per 100 uL per well in a 96-well black all/clear bottom costar plate.&nbsp; The growth medium was removed, and the cells were incubated with 100 uL of 4 uM Fluo-3 AM, Fluo-4 AM or Fluo-8&reg; AM in HHBS at 37 &deg;C for 1 hour. The cells were washed twice with 200 uL HHBS, then imaged with a fluorescence microscope using FITC channel.