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iFluor® 860 acid

In vivo fluorescence imaging uses a sensitive camera to detect the fluorescence emission from fluorophores in whole-body living small animals. To overcome the photon attenuation in living tissue, fluorophores with long emission at the infrared (IR) region are generally preferred. Recent advances in imaging strategies and reporter techniques for in vivo fluorescence imaging include novel approaches to improve the specificity and affinity of the probes and to modulate and amplify the signal at target sites for enhanced sensitivity. Further emerging developments aim to achieve high-resolution, multimodality, and lifetime-based in vivo fluorescence imaging. Our iFluor® 860 is designed to label proteins and other biomolecules with infrared fluorescence. Conjugates prepared with iFluor® 860 have excitation and emission in the IR range. iFluor® 860 dye emission is well separated from commonly used far-red fluorophores such as Cy5, Cy7, or allophycocyanin (APC), facilitating multicolor analysis. This fluorophore is also useful for small animal in vivo imaging applications or other imaging applications requiring IR detection.


Common stock solution preparation

Table 1. Volume of DMSO needed to reconstitute specific mass of iFluor® 860 acid to given concentration. Note that volume is only for preparing stock solution. Refer to sample experimental protocol for appropriate experimental/physiological buffers.

0.1 mg0.5 mg1 mg5 mg10 mg
1 mM71.255 µL356.275 µL712.55 µL3.563 mL7.126 mL
5 mM14.251 µL71.255 µL142.51 µL712.55 µL1.425 mL
10 mM7.126 µL35.628 µL71.255 µL356.275 µL712.55 µL

Molarity calculator

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Product family

NameExcitation (nm)Emission (nm)Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1)Quantum yieldCorrection Factor (260 nm)Correction Factor (280 nm)
iFluor® 790 acid78781225000010.1310.10.09
iFluor® 800 acid80182025000010.1110.030.08
iFluor® 810 acid81182225000010.0510.090.15
iFluor® 820 acid82285025000010.110.16
iFluor® 840 acid8368792000001-0.20.09
iFluor® 830 acid830867----
iFluor® 670 acid67168220000010.5510.030.033
iFluor® 350 acid3454502000010.9510.830.23
iFluor® 405 acid4034273700010.9110.480.77
iFluor® 430 acid4334984000010.7810.680.3
iFluor® 450 acid4515024000010.8210.450.27
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View all 2 citations: Citation Explorer
Identification of distinct functional thymic programming of fetal and pediatric human $\gamma$$\delta$ thymocytes via single-cell analysis
Authors: Sanchez Sanchez, Guillem and Papadopoulou, Maria and Azouz, Abdulkader and Tafesse, Yohannes and Mishra, Archita and Chan, Jerry KY and Fan, Yiping and Verdebout, Isoline and Porco, Silvana and Libert, Fr{\'e}d{\'e}rick and others,
Journal: Nature communications (2022): 1--19
Nanovesicle delivery to the liver via retinol binding protein and platelet-derived growth factor receptors: how targeting ligands affect biodistribution
Authors: Hsu, Ching-Yun and Chen, Chun-Han and Aljuffali, Ibrahim A and Dai, You-Shan and Fang, Jia-You
Journal: Nanomedicine (2017)


View all 18 references: Citation Explorer
A target cell-specific activatable fluorescence probe for in vivo molecular imaging of cancer based on a self-quenched avidin-rhodamine conjugate
Authors: Hama Y, Urano Y, Koyama Y, Kamiya M, Bernardo M, Paik RS, Shin IS, Paik CH, Choyke PL, Kobayashi H.
Journal: Cancer Res (2007): 2791
Fluorescence imaging in vivo: recent advances
Authors: Rao J, Dragulescu-Andrasi A, Yao H.
Journal: Curr Opin Biotechnol (2007): 17
Ex vivo fluorescence imaging of normal and malignant urothelial cells to enhance early diagnosis
Authors: Steenkeste K, Lecart S, Deniset A, Pernot P, Eschwege P, Ferlicot S, Leveque-Fort S, Bri and et R, Fontaine-Aupart MP.
Journal: Photochem Photobiol (2007): 1157
In vivo monitoring the fate of Cy5.5-Tat labeled T lymphocytes by quantitative near-infrared fluorescence imaging during acute brain inflammation in a rat model of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
Authors: Berger C, Gremlich HU, Schmidt P, Cannet C, Kneuer R, Hiest and P, Rausch M, Rudin M.
Journal: J Immunol Methods (2007): 65
A protocol for imaging alternative splicing regulation in vivo using fluorescence reporters in transgenic mice
Authors: Bonano VI, Oltean S, Garcia-Blanco MA.
Journal: Nat Protoc (2007): 2166
Page updated on September 20, 2024

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Physical properties

Molecular weight




Spectral properties

Correction Factor (260 nm)


Correction Factor (280 nm)


Extinction coefficient (cm -1 M -1)


Excitation (nm)


Emission (nm)


Storage, safety and handling

H-phraseH303, H313, H333
Hazard symbolXN
Intended useResearch Use Only (RUO)
R-phraseR20, R21, R22


Freeze (< -15 °C); Minimize light exposure
With EDAC or other equivalent activating coupling agents, fluorescent dyes (e.g., iFluor 860) can react readily with the primary amines (R-NH<sub>2</sub>) of proteins, amine-modified oligonucleotides, and other amine-containing molecules. The resulting dye conjugates are quite stable.
With EDAC or other equivalent activating coupling agents, fluorescent dyes (e.g., iFluor 860) can react readily with the primary amines (R-NH<sub>2</sub>) of proteins, amine-modified oligonucleotides, and other amine-containing molecules. The resulting dye conjugates are quite stable.
With EDAC or other equivalent activating coupling agents, fluorescent dyes (e.g., iFluor 860) can react readily with the primary amines (R-NH<sub>2</sub>) of proteins, amine-modified oligonucleotides, and other amine-containing molecules. The resulting dye conjugates are quite stable.