Sodium Ion Detection & Analysis

Sodium dose response was measured with Amplite® Fluorimetric Sodium Ion Kit in a 96-well solid black plate.
Sodium ion concentration in the body and blood is controlled primarily by the endocrine and renal systems. In particular, the secretion of aldosterone and anti-natriuretic peptide control total body sodium concentration. Additionally, the antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is secreted in response to an increased osmolality or decreased blood pressure, which in turn regulates sodium concentration. As sodium is so widely connected to cellular function, so too is it connected with physiology.
Association to Disease

Comparison of sodium and potassium dose response was measured with Amplite® Fluorimetric Sodium Ion Kit in a 96-well solid black plate.
Historically, sodium concentrations in clinical settings have been determined by ion chromatography, gravimetry, potentiometric titration, flame photometry, and atomic emission spectroscopy. These methods, while useful, require expensive, complex protocols that must be performed by trained personnel. They are lengthy, prone to error, and are sometimes only semi-quantitative. Today, quantitative assay kits and reagents are commercially available for easy, simple quantitation of sodium. More recently, novel constructs used in research have continued to emerge that can also effectively quantitate sodium in complex samples.
Detection Methods
Fluorescent Indicators

Response of Gramicidin A with varying sodium ion concentrations in HeLa cells. HeLa cells were seeded overnight at 40,000 cells/100 µL/well in a 96-well Costar plate. 100 µL of SoNa™ 520 AM or SBFI-AM in HHBS with 0.02% PF-127 was added, and cells were incubated at 37 °C for 1 hour. Dye-loading mediums were replaced with 100 µL HHBS containing Gramicidin A (0, 40, and 140 mM sodium ions). After 30 minutes, images were captured using a fluorescence microscope (Olympus IX71) with the FITC channel.
Fluorescent sodium indicators can be used on a wide variety of tissues, including blood, the brain, muscles, and secretory epithelia in vitro, as well as on plants. Fluorescent techniques are compatible with many analytical systems, including fluorescent microscopes, plate readers, flow cytometers, or even multiphoton techniques. Many experiments that utilize fluorescent indicators, including potassium ion and ATPase studies, aim to determine the spatial and temporal resolution or steady-state changes in sodium concentration.
Additionally, fluorescent techniques can also be used to measure sodium bursts in axons and presynaptic terminals. Sodium benzofuran isophthalate (SBFI), in particular, is a common fluorescent probe used for sodium quantification which exists as an ultraviolet (UV)-excitable, ratiometric green indicator. Ratiometry is optimal for fluorescent imaging because it typically reduces the effects of photobleaching or negative effects of heterogeneous dye loading. SBFI has also widely been shown to accurately detect physiological concentrations of sodium in the presence of potassium and other monovalent cations.
Other, various green fluorescent indicators are commercially available that respond to intracellular sodium ion concentration in the physiological range up to 10 mM. These indicators are small synthetic fluorochromes fused with a sodium binding moiety. They exhibit an increase in green fluorescence emission intensity upon binding to sodium molecules with only a small shift in wavelength.
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Colorimetric kits

β -galactosidase dose response was measured with Amplite® Colorimetric β-Galactosidase Assay Kit in a 96-well clear bottom plate using a SpectraMax microplate reader (Molecular Devices). As low as 3 mU/mL β- galactosidase was detected with 30-60 minutes incubation. Note: The absorbance background increases with time, thus it is important to subtract the absorbance of the blank wells for each data point.
Table 1. Beta-Galactosidase Assay Kits
Cat# ▲ ▼ | Product Name ▲ ▼ | Unit Size ▲ ▼ |
12601 | Amplite® Fluorimetric Beta-Galactosidase Assay Kit *Green Fluorescence* | 500 Tests |
12603 | Amplite® Fluorimetric Beta-Galactosidase Assay Kit *Red Fluorescence* | 200 Tests |
12604 | Amplite® Colorimetric Beta-Galactosidase Assay Kit | 200 Tests |
Typically, kit reagents and standards (β-Gal, dithiothreitol (DTT), the substrate, the sodium developer, and standard) are ready to use as supplied and simply need to be equilibrated to room temperature. Fresh samples are encouraged, and must be diluted in the assay buffer accordingly. Colorimetric sodium detection kits offer a simple two-step protocol, where controls or standards are first added to the wells of a 96-well plate, then β-Gal is added to create hydrolyzed byproducts. Then the substrate is added, and then a sodium developer is added which induces a reaction to create a detectable chromophore. Finally, the plate can be measured at an optical density of 405 nm. Overall, colorimetric kits provide a simple protocol, do not require hazardous reagents, are inexpensive and have quick experimental times for the accurate quantitation of sodium in a complex sample.
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Less Common Developing Methodologies
- Paper-Based Colorimetry As colorimetry is cost-effective, reliable, and amenable to visual detection, the fundamentals of these techniques have been used throughout research. Colorimetry using paper-based technology has been of notable importance as it is extremely inexpensive and can be used as a point of care diagnostic platform. This construct offered an easy, nearly instantaneous, visual method of detecting sodium in an eco-friendly, low cost manner, without sophisticated instrumentation.
- Microfluidic Technology Microfluidic analytical devices also offer simple, portable, and inexpensive technologies for many applications in clinical diagnostic, food analysis, and environmental monitoring.
- Nanosensors Recently, engineering efforts have been targeted at the creation of selective and sensitive probes for sodium quantitation, a challenging task due to the obvious interference from other alkali metal ions, particularly potassium. One research focus by Kaur & Kaur (2018) developed fluorescent organic nanoparticles from a Biginelli-based receptor that showed great efficiency, low cost, and high sensitivity. The device offered an excellent fluorescent switch-on sensing technique for the selective monitoring of sodium ions in a physiological range, and additionally showed adequate stability in a highly ionic solution. The practical applicability of the nanosensor was assessed through monitoring sodium concentration in urine, sweat, lake, and tap water samples.
- Chemosensors The pursuit of developing effective, sensitive and economic chemosensors for sodium ion quantitation has embraced current research efforts, owing to the close relation of sodium to human health. Like other detection methods, a key obstacle in designing selective chemosensors lies in the competitive binding tendency of other cations. To overcome this challenge, some chemosensors have been developed with varying structural modifications for the selective detection of sodium ions.
Product Ordering Information
Table 2. Sodium Ion Indicators and Kits
Cat# ▲ ▼ | Product Name ▲ ▼ | Unit Size ▲ ▼ |
21320 | SoNa™ 520 | 1 mg |
21323 | SoNa™ 520 AM | 1 mg |
21325 | Amplite® Fluorimetric Sodium Ion Quantification Kit | 100 Tests |
21327 | Portelite™ Fluorimetric Sodium Ion Quantification Kit | 100 Tests |
Sodium Ion
Colorimetric detection of sodium ion in serum based on the G-quadruplex conformation related DNAzyme activity
Development of a paper printed colorimetric sensor based on Cu-Curcumin nanoparticles for evolving point-of-care clinical diagnosis of sodium
Microfluidic-based ion-selective thermoplastic electrode array for point-of-care detection of potassium and sodium ions
Fluorescent metal ion indicators based on benzoannelated crown systems: a green fluorescent indicator for intracellular sodium ions
Fluorescent sensors for sodium ions
All-solid state ion-selective carbon black-modified printed electrode for sodium detection in sweat
Estimation of sodium ions using easily engineered organic nanoparticles-based turn-on fluorescent sensor: Application in biological and environmental samples
All-solid-state potassium-selective sensor based on carbon black modified thermoplastic electrode
A novel thread-based microfluidic device for capillary electrophoresis with capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detection