XFD647 Azide
XFD647 is manufactured by AAT Bioquest, and it has the same chemical structure of Alexa Fluor® 647 (Alexa Fluor® is the trademark of ThermoFisher). It is a bright deep red fluorescent dye. XFD647 dye is water soluble and pH-insensitive from pH 4 to pH 10. XFD647 azide is used for conjugation with a biological molecule that contains an alkyne via the click chemistry. It provides a convenient way to install the fluorophore of Alexa Fluor® 647 into a biological molecule that lacks alkyne and azide groups.
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View all 9 references: Citation Explorer
Azide-Functionalized Naphthoxyloside as a Tool for Glycosaminoglycan Investigations.
Authors: Willén, Daniel and Mastio, Roberto and Söderlund, Zackarias and Manner, Sophie and Westergren-Thorsson, Gunilla and Tykesson, Emil and Ellervik, Ulf
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Authors: Willén, Daniel and Mastio, Roberto and Söderlund, Zackarias and Manner, Sophie and Westergren-Thorsson, Gunilla and Tykesson, Emil and Ellervik, Ulf
Journal: Bioconjugate chemistry (2021): 2507-2515
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Bioorthogonal Labeling of Human Prostate Cancer Tissue Slice Cultures for Glycoproteomics.
Authors: Spiciarich, David R and Nolley, Rosalie and Maund, Sophia L and Purcell, Sean C and Herschel, Jason and Iavarone, Anthony T and Peehl, Donna M and Bertozzi, Carolyn R
Journal: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) (2017): 8992-8997
Authors: Spiciarich, David R and Nolley, Rosalie and Maund, Sophia L and Purcell, Sean C and Herschel, Jason and Iavarone, Anthony T and Peehl, Donna M and Bertozzi, Carolyn R
Journal: Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) (2017): 8992-8997
Activity-Based Protein Profiling of Ammonia Monooxygenase in Nitrosomonas europaea.
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Journal: Applied and environmental microbiology (2016): 2270-2279
Authors: Bennett, Kristen and Sadler, Natalie C and Wright, Aaron T and Yeager, Chris and Hyman, Michael R
Journal: Applied and environmental microbiology (2016): 2270-2279
Plasmonic nanodiamonds: targeted core-shell type nanoparticles for cancer cell thermoablation.
Authors: Rehor, Ivan and Lee, Karin L and Chen, Kevin and Hajek, Miroslav and Havlik, Jan and Lokajova, Jana and Masat, Milan and Slegerova, Jitka and Shukla, Sourabh and Heidari, Hamed and Bals, Sara and Steinmetz, Nicole F and Cigler, Petr
Journal: Advanced healthcare materials (2015): 460-8
Authors: Rehor, Ivan and Lee, Karin L and Chen, Kevin and Hajek, Miroslav and Havlik, Jan and Lokajova, Jana and Masat, Milan and Slegerova, Jitka and Shukla, Sourabh and Heidari, Hamed and Bals, Sara and Steinmetz, Nicole F and Cigler, Petr
Journal: Advanced healthcare materials (2015): 460-8
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