XFD647 Alkyne
XFD647 is manufactured by AAT Bioquest, and it has the same chemical structure of Alexa Fluor® 647 (Alexa Fluor® is the trademark of ThermoFisher). It is a bright deep red fluorescent dye. XFD647 dye is water soluble and pH-insensitive from pH 4 to pH 10. XFD647 alkyne is used for conjugation with a biological molecule that contains an azide via the click chemistry. It provides a convenient way to install the fluorophore of Alexa Fluor® 647 into a biological molecule that lacks alkyne and azide groups.
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View all 42 references: Citation Explorer
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Authors: Shen, Yuqian and Liu, Wenhua and Zuo, Jian and Han, Junhai and Zhang, Zi Chao
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EdU Incorporation To Assess Cell Proliferation and Drug Susceptibility in Naegleria fowleri.
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Journal: Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy (2021): e0001721
Azide-Functionalized Naphthoxyloside as a Tool for Glycosaminoglycan Investigations.
Authors: Willén, Daniel and Mastio, Roberto and Söderlund, Zackarias and Manner, Sophie and Westergren-Thorsson, Gunilla and Tykesson, Emil and Ellervik, Ulf
Journal: Bioconjugate chemistry (2021): 2507-2515
Authors: Willén, Daniel and Mastio, Roberto and Söderlund, Zackarias and Manner, Sophie and Westergren-Thorsson, Gunilla and Tykesson, Emil and Ellervik, Ulf
Journal: Bioconjugate chemistry (2021): 2507-2515
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Authors: Koch, Peter D and Quintana, Jeremy and Ahmed, Maaz and Kohler, Rainer H and Weissleder, Ralph
Journal: Advanced therapeutics (2021)
Clickable Galactose Analogues for Imaging Glycans in Developing Zebrafish.
Authors: Daughtry, Jessica L and Cao, Wendy and Ye, Johnny and Baskin, Jeremy M
Journal: ACS chemical biology (2020): 318-324
Authors: Daughtry, Jessica L and Cao, Wendy and Ye, Johnny and Baskin, Jeremy M
Journal: ACS chemical biology (2020): 318-324
Page updated on September 15, 2024